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How Do I Connect or Upload Data?

Uploading data into Auto Insights is quick and easy. You have 3 options to connect...

  • Direct to your database: This enables you to easily deliver scalable insights to your business. Simply connect your database and schedule data refreshes automatically so that users always have the most up-to-date information. See the How to Connect to a Database article and Supported Data Connections.

  • CSV upload: This is particularly useful when using Auto Insights for ad-hoc analysis. Because you simply drag your file into Auto Insights, it’s easy for any user to do! See the Upload Dataset article.

  • Alteryx Designer Auto Insights Uploader tool: Run your workflow with the Auto Insights Uploader tool to view your dataset insights instantly in Alteryx Auto Insights. This tool takes a copy of the data that is transformed in Designer and loads it into Auto Insights for you. Learn more in the AAI Uploader tool article.