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TFS Browser

In the Alteryx Analytics Cloud, the TFS browser lets you browse, select, and filter the sources that you can access through TFS. You also use the browser to select targets for publishing job results.

  • TFS is enabled as the default storage environment when setting up your product.

    • Optionally, you can enable S3 as your default storage layer and use TFS as a secondary storage layer.

    • For more information, see Configure Storage Environment.

  • For more information on using TFS, see Using TFS.


Figure: TFS Browser

Browse TFS:

Use the links and icons to browse for files and folders in the TFS tree structure.


The path to your output home directory should be available through the TFS browser. For more information on this path, see Storage Page.

To display hidden files or folders, select Show hidden.

The Last Updated column contains information only for files. It is not available for directories.


Avoid using the Back button on your browser, which exits the TFS browser without applying changes to your configuration.






  • Click the Plus icon to select all readable files in this folder.

  • Click the text link to open the folder and browse further. You must have the appropriate permissions in your TFS account.


    When you open a new folder, a reference to it is added to the Path value. You can modify the path value manually, which may be a faster way to navigate up a deep directory structure.


    Sizes are displayed next to files. They are not displayed next to folders.



Click the Plus icon to select this file.

Specify TFS Path:

In the TFS browser, you can specify an explicit path to resources. Click the Pencil icon, paste the path value, and click Go.

For example, if your input file is the following:


You should paste the following in the Path textbox:



You can retrieve your home directory from your profile. See Storage Page.

Search Files:

To display a subset of files, enter a string in the Search box. The filter is applied as you type and matches anywhere in the name of a currently displayed file or folder.


If you have a folder and file with the same name in TFS, search only retrieves the file. You can still navigate to locate the folder.