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Cloud Execution for Desktop

Schedule and run your Designer Desktop-built workflows in the cloud. Cloud Execution for Desktop lets you link your Alteryx Designer Desktop instance to an Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) workspace (part of the Alteryx AI Platform for Enterprise Analytics) and then save your desktop-built workflows to the AAC library (which belongs to your AAC workspace). Once saved to the library, you can navigate to AAC and schedule those workflows to run.


To use Cloud Execution for Desktop, you need…

  • Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) Enterprise Version

    • Cloud Execution for Desktop must be enabled on the workspace by an admin. When Cloud Execution for Desktop is enabled on the workspace, virtual machines are deployed for the purposes of executing your desktop-built workflows in AAC.

    • Private Data Handling is required.

  • Alteryx Designer Desktop Version 2023.1 Patch 1 (or newer)

  • Data Connection Manager (DCM) is required to authenticate an AAC workspace in Designer Desktop.

View, Edit, and Synchronize Alteryx Links

Once you’ve created a link between Designer Desktop and AAC, you can seamlessly connect and synchronize your Designer Desktop with AAC for Cloud Execution on Desktop. This allows you to keep your connection information consistent across both platforms.

Your credentials are available to sync via the Connections section of each link created via Alteryx Links:

  1. Go to File > Manage Connections > Alteryx Links.

  2. Select the Name of the existing link to open and view the details.

  3. To update the link, select the Edit button. Make the necessary edits and select Save or select Cancel to return to the previous screen.

  4. In the Connections section, you select Synchronize to sync your credentials between Designer Desktop and AAC.


Once the sync is complete, you receive a confirmation message. If there is an issue with the sync, you receive an error notification.

Save Designer Desktop Workflow to AAC

Follow these steps to save your Designer Desktop workflow to the Alteryx Analytics Cloud platform:

  1. In Designer Desktop, select File > Save As > Alteryx Analytics Cloud and select your workspace connection, identified by the Data Source Name that you provided when you configured the connection. If you haven’t configured the connection yet, select Add New Link and follow the above instructions.

  2. The current name of your workflow is populated by default in the Workflow Name field. You can customize the name if needed. If your workflow includes any assets, they display below.

    • Check the Group assets by tool* check box to display all of the workflow's assets or file dependencies that are grouped together with the tool they are connected to.

    • Uncheck an asset to omit it from the workflow package.

    *This setting organizes the assets for each tool so that information is easier to parse—it does not change how the YXZP file is created.

  3. Select Save*. At this time, Alteryx validates your workflow to confirm that it doesn’t use prohibited non-DCM data connections. Review the Tool, Connector, and Driver Compatibility section for details.

    *If you’re already authenticated to your AAC workspace, you’re all set. If you’re not authenticated, the save triggers your default browser to open a new window where you can sign in to the AAC workspace that you are saving to.


Cloud Execution for Desktop lets you create and edit workflows on the desktop and execute those in the cloud. Workflows that you build in Designer Desktop need to be edited in Designer Desktop. These workflows are not functional or editable in Designer Cloud at this time.

View Desktop Workflows in AAC

Once saved to AAC, you can find your Desktop workflows in AAC via Library > Designer Desktop. Here you can Download a ZIP file that contains the workflow and any packaged assets, Schedule your workflow to run in AAC, and Delete your Desktop workflows from AAC. Use the three-dot menu associated with the workflow to access these options.

Go to the Library for Assets page for more information.Library for Assets

Open Designer Desktop Workflow from AAC

Follow these steps to open a workflow that was created in Designer Desktop and saved to the Alteryx Analytics Cloud platform. The workflow opens in Designer Desktop.

  1. In Designer Desktop, select File > Open Workflow* > Alteryx Analytics Cloud and select your workspace connection, identified by the Data Source Name that you provided when you configured the connection. If you haven’t configured the connection yet, select Add New Link and follow the above instructions.

    **You can also access desktop workflows saved to AAC via File > Open Recent.

  2. From the Open Workflow window, select your workflow and then select the Open button.

Alternatively, you can download your workflow directly from AAC. To do so…

  1. In AAC, go to Library > Designer Desktop.

  2. Locate your Desktop workflow and use the three-dot menu to select Download.

The download creates a ZIP file that includes the workflow and any packaged assets.

Schedule Designer Desktop Workflow Runs in AAC

Once you save your Designer Desktop workflow to AAC, you can take advantage of Cloud Execution for Desktop and schedule your desktop workflows to run in the cloud environment.

Please note that at this time, Cloud Execution for Desktop allows for 6 concurrent runs of scheduled Desktop workflows per workspace. Any additional runs are queued and will run once one of the 6 concurrent runs finishes.

To schedule your Desktop workflow…

  1. In AAC, navigate to Library and select Designer Desktop in the left panel to navigate to the workflows that you saved from Designer Desktop to AAC. Alternatively, you can add a schedule directly via the Schedules page.Add Schedule Dialog

  2. Select the associated three-dot menu, and select Schedule.

  3. Enter a Name for the schedule.

  4. In the OCCURRENCE section, select your preferred Run type: RecurringOnceCustom, or Event Trigger. Please note that each run type has unique configuration settings. Review the details at the Add Schedule Dialog.Add Schedule Dialog

  5. When you finish the schedule configuration, select Schedule.

Once you schedule your workflow, you can view schedule details and make changes via the Schedules tab of AAC. Here you can…

  • View the schedule status, name, associated asset, and owner.

  • View the schedule frequency, next and last run details, as well as when the schedule was last updated.

  • Additionally, you can edit, enable and disable, and delete the schedule if needed.

Go to the Schedules help page for more information.Schedules

View Cloud Execution Status and Results

Once your Desktop workflow runs as part of your schedule, you can view the schedule results via the Jobs tab in AAC. Navigate to the Jobs tab and select Designer Desktop in the left menu.

The Jobs page contains these details (go to the Job History Page for more information):Job History

  • Status: Current status of the job.

  • Job Id: Unique identifier for the job.

  • Asset: The asset associated with the job. In this case, this is the name of your Desktop workflow.

  • Type: The type of job. In this case, this is Cloud Execution for Desktop or CEFD_DESKTOP.

  • Owner: The owner associated with the job.

  • Completed: The date and time the job was completed.

  • Output: If your Desktop workflow produces any output files, they are available here. Select the Output button to download a ZIP file of the associated outputs. The ZIP file contains these items:

    • Engine Log File (regardless of success or failure)

    • All output files associated with the job.

Tool, Connector, and Driver Compatibility

Review this section for important tool, Connector, and driver compatibility notes.


The current Engine version is 2023.2.1.133.

Tool Compatibility

Cloud Execution for Desktop lets you execute workflows (in AAC) with all the tools that are available with the base installation of Alteryx Designer Desktop.

You can also execute workflows that contain these tools:

  • Amazon S3 Download and Amazon S3 Upload Tools

  • Predictive (R-based) Tools

  • Python Tool*

  • Run Command Tool*

  • Runner Tool*

  • Intelligence Suite Tools*

*Note that some configuration limitations might apply.

Connector Compatibility

The following Connector tools are available with Cloud Execution for Desktop. All data connections must use DCM connections with DSN-less connections (where applicable). Input and output files must be packaged with the workflow.

If you use a Connector tool in your workflow, it must be supported by Alteryx and enabled for use with DCM.

Table 1. Connectors Available with Cloud Execution for Desktop

Connector Tool

Supported Tool Version

Anaplan Input Tool


Anaplan Output Tool


Azure Data Lake Input Tool


Azure Data Lake Output Tool


Box Input Tool


Box Output Tool


Google Analytics 4 Input Tool


Google Drive Input Tool


Google Drive Output Tool


OneDrive Input Tool


OneDrive Output Tool


Outlook 365 Input Tool


Power BI Output Tool


Salesforce Input Tool


Salesforce Output Tool


ServiceNow Input Tool


SharePoint Input Tool

2.4.0 ,2.4.2

SharePoint Output Tool

2.4.0, 2.4.2

Tableau Output Tool

1.2.1, 1.3.1, 1.4.0

UiPath Tool


ODBC Driver Compatibility

Alteryx only supports drivers that are currently distributed via the Alteryx Licensing portal along with the Alteryx Simba drivers. These are listed below.


The following drivers allow for connections that use the Input Data and Output Data tools or In-DB connections, all of which require DCM credentials and the DSN-less connection option.

Please note that additional restrictions per driver might apply (for example, the allowed authentication method).

Table 2. Drivers Available with Cloud Execution for Desktop


Supported Driver Version

Amazon Athena

Amazon Redshift

Apache Cassandra

Apache Hive

Apache Impala

Apache Spark/Databricks

Google BigQuery

IBM Netezza

Microsoft File-Based Drivers

Multiple drivers are loaded automatically on the Windows Container image used for Cloud Execution.

Microsoft SQL Server









Notes and Limitations

Access Token Duration

After you link AAC to Designer Desktop, you don't need to sign in to AAC again until either 180 days have elapsed, or you have not used Designer Desktop for 30 days.

Schedule-Only Execution

At this time, Cloud Execution for Desktop doesn’t offer an on-demand run option. Once you save your Desktop-built workflow to AAC, you must schedule your workflow in order to run it in AAC.

Workflow Compatibility

Cloud Execution for Desktop lets you create and edit workflows on the desktop and execute those in the cloud. Workflows that you build in Designer Desktop need to be edited in Designer Desktop. These workflows are not functional or editable in Designer Cloud at this time.

Workflow Size

The total size of your workflow cannot exceed 200 MB in order to save to AAC.

Concurrent Runs

Please note that at this time, Cloud Execution for Desktop allows for 6 concurrent runs of scheduled Desktop workflows per workspace. Any additional runs are queued and will run once one of the 6 concurrent runs finishes.

Data Connections

All data connections need to use DCM connections with DSN-less connections (where applicable), as well as input and output files that are packaged with the workflow. If your workflow uses a Connector tool, it needs to be one that is supported by Alteryx and has been enabled for use with DCM.

These types of data connections are not compatible with Cloud Execution for Desktop:

  • Embedded credentials are not allowed in workflows that you save to AAC.

  • Workflows that contain Server data connections are not compatible with Cloud Execution for Desktop.


Cloud Execution for Desktop is not FIPS capable.

Inputs and Outputs to and from AAC Datasets

At this time, workflows built with Designer Desktop can’t connect or output to an AAC dataset.

Alteryx Community Gallery Data Connector Tools

Workflows that include Connector tools that aren’t compatible with Cloud Execution for Desktop won’t be able to execute in AAC.

Analytic Apps and Interface Tools

Workflows that contain apps and Interface tools will not allow users to interact with the app in AAC. These workflows technically run in their default state, so if you can schedule the workflow with no interaction from a user, it will execute from AAC. However, if the workflow requires user interaction, the user needs to download the app and run it locally from their Designer Desktop machine in order to interact with Interface tools.

Data Products

Alteryx Data Products (for example, Alteryx Data products from Experian and TomTom) are not compatible with Cloud Execution for Desktop at this time.

Inputs and Outputs with UNC File Paths

Cloud Execution for Desktop uses a service account. At this time, it’s not possible to authenticate a user at runtime to pass Windows Authentication access to the Windows container when executing. This limits functionality for the Directory tool, Input and Output tools, Drive Letter Mappings, and any other tools that require file paths.

At this time, you must either package all files with the workflow when you save it to AAC or the file must be accessed via a supported Connector tool that uses DCM connections.

Run As Functionality

Cloud Execution for Desktop uses a service account. At this time, it’s not possible to authenticate a user at runtime to pass Windows Authentication access to the Windows container when executing.

Run in Safe Mode

At this time, Run in Safe or Semi-safe Mode is not compatible with Cloud Execution for Desktop.


Some tools, like Control Containers and Connectors built with the latest Python V2 SDK, require that AMP is enabled in order to use them.

If your workflow doesn't use any AMP-only tools, you can choose to leave AMP disabled. The workflow executes in a Windows container in AAC and runs as it does from your desktop. It uses AMP when enabled and the original Engine for any tools that have not been converted to AMP, or when you leave that AMP box unchecked.


The engine is AMP-enabled in the back end, so if you save an AMP-enabled workflow to AAC, it automatically runs in AMP.

Yes! As long as you properly package the macro with the workflow when you save to AAC. The packaged workflow needs to contain everything it needs to run the logic, including all macros and nested macros, in order to execute properly in AAC. So when you save a workflow from Designer Desktop to AAC, make sure that you package any necessary assets along with it.


If you use CReW Macros or other macro packs downloaded from Alteryx Community, you need to check the box to package those macros in your workflow when you save to AAC. Initially, we only support Alteryx-supported tools, connectors, and drivers as specified above. If you need any other custom or Community Gallery macros in your logic, you need to select them as assets to package with the workflow at the time of the save.