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OAuth 2.0 for Workday

Configure Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) to integrate with your Workday deployment using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate.


Create OAuth 2.0 Client App in Workday

In the Workday console, you must create the client app.


  1. Login to Workday:

  2. Search for Register API client.

  3. Specify the following fields:



    Client Name

    The name of the app.

    Client Grant Type

    Select Authorization Grant Type.

    Access Token Type

    Select Bearer.

    Redirection URI

    Specify the URL:


    Enable Custom Objects > System.

    Add any other applicable scopes.

    Include Workday Owned Scope

    Check the box.

  4. To create the new registration, select OK.

  5. Workday displays the app info. Save the Client ID, Client Secret, Authorization URLs, and Token URLs.

Create OAuth 2.0 Client for Workday

After the Workday client app is created, you must create an OAuth 2.0 client in AACAAC, which is used to integrate with the OAuth 2.0 Client app that you created in Azure.


  1. Login to AACAAC as a workspace administrator.

  2. In the lefthand menu, select User menu > Admin console > OAuth 2.0 Clients.

  3. In the OAuth 2.0 Clients page, click Register OAuth 2.0.0 Client.

  4. Specify the fields for the new client:






    Enter a name for the client.

    Client ID

    Paste the value of the Client ID that was generated when you created the client app in Workday.

    Client Secret

    Paste the value of the Client Secret that was generated when you created the client app in Workday.

    Authorization URL

    Paste the value of the Authorization URLs that was generated when you created the client app in Workday.

    Token URL

    Paste the value of the Token URLs that was generated when you created the client app in Workday.


    Set to system.

    Access Token Expires In

    Set this value to the following: 3599999.

    Refresh Token Expires In

    Set this value to the following: 7775999999.

  5. To save your OAuth 2.0 client, click Save.

For more information, see Create OAuth2 Client.

Create Workday Connection

After you have created the two OAuth 2.0 client references, you can create a connection to your Workday data.


You must create a separate connection for each OAuth 2.0 client that is available in AACAAC.

For more information, see Workday Connections.