Review details about the selected user's account and make changes, including transferring ownership of all of the user's assets.

Figure: Overview tab
Context menu actions:
For each user, you can perform the following actions in the context menu:
Edit:Modify user properties, including platform roles. SeeUsers Page.
Reset password: Self-service password reset is enabled by default. If enabled, click this option to send an email to the user to reset his or her password.
Change admin role: Change the workspace role of the user. See Roles below.
Disable:When a user is disabled, the user cannot access Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC).
The disabled user still counts against the workspace limit.
All of the user's assets are retained.
Assets that are owned by the user become inaccessible to other users that have access.
Schedules owned by a disabled user continue to execute. An admin can disable the schedule. See Schedules Page.
To permit access again, select Enable.
Remove:When a user is removed, the user's account and all assets are removed from AACAAC.
At time of removal, you can choose to transfer ownership of the user's assets to another user. If those assets are not transferred, they are removed with the user's account.
If you must recover a removed user or that user's assets, please contact Alteryx Support within 14 days of the deletion.
An admin cannot remove himself or herself from the project or workspace.
The roles assigned to the user are listed. For more information, see Roles Page.
In this section, you can review the maximal set of privileges that are assigned to the user.
Privileges are additive.
For more information, see Privileges and Roles Reference.
Information on the current status and recent activity of the user.
In the Assets tab, you can review all assets owned by the user by asset category.
Asset transfer cannot be undone.
After asset ownership has been transferred, the original user retains access to the asset or assets as a collaborator, except for macros.

Figure: Assets tab
To transfer one or more assets:
Click the asset category on the left side.
Locate or search for the asset.
Search results are constrained to the currently selected category.
Click the checkbox next to the asset or assets that you wish to transfer.
You can select assets from other categories, too.
Then, click Transfer.
Specify the user to whom you wish to transfer the assets. Then, click Transfer ownership.
Asset transfer cannot be undone.
To transfer all of a user's assets:
Click Transfer all.
Specify the user to whom you wish to transfer the assets. Then, click Transfer ownership.
Asset transfer cannot be undone.
For more information, see Transfer Asset Ownership.
Administrators can also perform transfers of ownership of all of a user's assets using APIs. Coming soon.