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Save and Open Workflows

Once you have connected Designer Desktop with your Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) workspace, you can save your desktop workflows to the cloud and also open those saved workflows in Designer Desktop from AAC.

Save Designer Desktop Workflow to AAC

Follow these steps to save your Designer Desktop workflow to Alteryx Analytics Cloud:

  1. In Designer Desktop, select File > Save As > Alteryx Analytics Cloud and select your workspace connection, identified by the Data Source Name that you provided when you configured the connection. If you haven’t configured the connection yet, select Add New Link and follow the instructions in Create a Link between Designer Desktop and Alteryx Analytics Cloud.

  2. The current name of your workflow is populated by default in the Workflow Name field. You can customize the name if needed. If your workflow includes any assets, they display below.

    • Check the Group assets by tool* checkbox to display all of the workflow's assets or file dependencies that are grouped together with the tool they are connected to.

    • Uncheck an asset to omit it from the workflow package.

    *This setting organizes the assets for each tool so that information is easier to parse—it does not change how the YXZP file is created.

  3. Select Save*. At this time, Alteryx validates your workflow to confirm that it doesn’t use prohibited non-DCM data connections. Review Tool, Engine, Driver, and Connector Compatibility for details. A progress bar indicates the save progress. Once the save is successful, the Save Workflow pop-up appears. Here, you can select View in Browser (this opens the AAC library where the workflow was saved) or Close to continue working in Designer Desktop.

    *If you’re already authenticated to your AAC workspace, you’re all set. If you’re not authenticated, the save triggers your default browser to open a new window where you can sign in to the AAC workspace that you are saving to.


Cloud Execution for Desktop lets you create and edit workflows on the desktop and execute them in the cloud. Workflows that you build in Designer Desktop need to be edited in Designer Desktop. At this time, these workflows are not functional or editable in Designer Cloud.

View Desktop Workflows in AAC

Once saved to AAC, you can find your Desktop workflows in AAC via Library > Designer Desktop. Here you can Download a ZIP file that contains the workflow and any packaged assets, Schedule your workflow to run in AAC, and Delete your Desktop workflows from AAC. Use the three-dot menu associated with the workflow to access these options.

Go to the Library for Assets page for more information.

Open Designer Desktop Workflow from AAC

Follow these steps to open a workflow that was created in Designer Desktop and saved to Alteryx Analytics Cloud. The workflow opens in Designer Desktop.

  1. In Designer Desktop, select File > Open Workflow* > Alteryx Analytics Cloud and select your workspace connection, identified by the Data Source Name that you provided when you configured the connection. If you haven’t configured the connection yet, select Add New Link and follow the instructions in Create a Link between Designer Desktop and Alteryx Analytics Cloud.

    *You can also access desktop workflows saved to AAC via File > Open Recent.

  2. From the Open Workflow window, select your workflow and then select the Open button. If you have many workflows, use the search box to search for your workflow by name. You can click on the Workflows label to sort the workflows alphabetically in ascending or descending order.

Alternatively, you can download your workflow directly from AAC. To do so…

  1. In AAC, go to Library > Designer Desktop.

  2. Locate your Desktop workflow and use the three-dot menu to select Download.

The download creates a ZIP file that includes the workflow and any packaged assets.

Next Steps

After you save your Designer Desktop workflows to your AAC workspace, you're ready to use Cloud Execution for Desktop. Go to View and Execute with Cloud Execution to learn how.