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API Reference


API access is migrating to Enterprise only. Beginning in Release 9.5, all new or renewed subscriptions have access to public API endpoints on the Enterprise product edition only. Existing customers on non-Enterprise editions will retain access their available endpoints (Legacy) until their subscription expires. To use API endpoints after renewal, you must upgrade to the Enterprise product edition or use a reduced set of endpoints (Current). For more information on differences between product editions in the new model, please visit Pricing and Packaging.

This section contains reference information on the REST APIs that are made available by Designer Cloud.

Access to API docs locally


URLs to API endpoint documentation are case-sensitive.

To access the API documentation for each API endpoint and method that is available to your specific user account, select Resources menu > API documentation in the Trifacta Application.


This API documentation portal displays only the API endpoints based on your specific user account and the features enabled in your Alteryx instance. Additional API endpoint documentation may be available at For more information on the differences between these documentation portals, see API Documentation Versions.

API Endpoint Documentation

You can access API reference documentation through the Trifacta Application. In the left navigation bar, select Resources menu > API documentation.

For a list of available endpoints for your product: