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AlloyDB Connections


This feature may not be available in all product editions. For more information on available features, see Compare Editions.

You can create connections to a Alloy DB database from Trifacta Application. For more information on Alloy DB, see


You can create connections to databases of this type that are managed by your enterprise or are hosted in cloud infrastructure. The required configuration is the same. The cloud-based version is labeled on Amazon RDS. In the Create Connection dialog, you can search for that term.

If you are connecting the Alteryx Analytics Cloud to any relational source of data, such as Redshift or Oracle, you must add the Alteryx Service to your whitelist for those resources. See Whitelist Platform Service.

Supported Versions: 9.3.10

  • Read: Supported

  • Write: Supported


To create this connection:

  • In the Import Data page, click the Plus sign. Then, select the Relational tab. Click the Alloy DB card.

  • You can also create connections through the Connections page. See Connections Page.

Modify the following properties as needed:




Enter your fully qualified hostname. Example:



Set this value to 5432.

Connect String Options

Insert any additional connection parameters, if needed. See below.

Enable SSL

Select the checkbox to enable SSL connections to the database.


Additional configuration may be required in the database server. For more information, please consult the documentation that was provided with the distribution.


Enter the name of the database on the server to which to connect.

User Name

Username to use to connect to the database.


Password associated with the above username.

Test Connection

After you have defined the connection credentials type, credentials, and connection string, you can validate those credentials.

Advanced options: Default Column Data Type Inference

Set todisabledto prevent the platformfrom applying its own type inference to each column on import. The default value isenabled.

Advanced options: Enable SSH Tunneling

If available, the SSH tunneling options allow you to configure SSH tunneling authentication between the Trifacta Application and your database.


SSH tunneling is available on a per-connection basis. It may not be available for all connections.

For more information, see Configure SSH Tunnel Connectivity.

Connection Name

Display name of the connection

Connection Description

Description of the connection, which appears in the application.

Connection URL

The properties that you provide are inserted into the following URL, which connects Alteryx Analytics Cloud to the connection:


Connect string options

The connect string options are optional. If you are passing additional properties and values to complete the connection, the connect string options must be structured in the following manner:



  • <prop> : the name of the property

  • <val> : the value for the property


  • ? : any set of connect string options must begin with a question mark.

  • & : all additional property names must be prefixed with an ampersand (&).

  • = : property names and values must be separated with an equal sign (=).

Driver Information

This connection uses the following driver:

Create via API

This connection can also be created using the API.

  • Type: jdbc

  • Vendor: postgres

For more information, see Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta: API Reference docs


Error message


Class 08 Connection Exception

Connection failure: the web client or Trifacta node is unable to establish a connection.

Class 28 Invalid Authorization Specification

Typically, this error occurs when an invalid password has been submitted.


Use the Test Connection button to validate your credentials.

For more information on error messages for this connection type, see


Please note the version number in the URL above.


For more information, see Database Browser.

For more information on interacting with data, see Using Databases.

SQL Syntax

The following syntax requirements apply to this connection.

Object delimiter: double-quote

Example syntax:

Double quotes required around database, table names, and column names.

SELECT "column1","column2" FROM "databaseName"."tableName";

For more information on SQL in general, see Supported SQL Syntax.

Data Conversion

For more information on how values are converted during input and output with this database, see Postgres Data Type Conversions.