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Changes to Configuration

To assist administrators in managing configuration, these section provides a per-release set of updates to configuration.

  • Settings pertaining to the workspace environment and its users are available through a different page. From the left nav bar, selectUser menu > Admin console > Settings. See Workspace Settings Page.

Release Updates

Release 9.0

Workspace connections to S3 are easier

Beginning in this release, when you create a new workspace, connecting it to S3 is now possible through the standard Connections interface. Select the Amazon S3 connection card in the Connections window and fill out the form.


This form-based method of connection is available in workspace-mode only for this release.

For more information, see Amazon S3 Connections.


You can create additional connections to other non-default S3 buckets. For more information, see External S3 Connections.

S3 connectivity enabled by default

Beginning in this release, any newly created workspaces automatically have basic S3 connectivity enabled by default.

  • Workspace users must still create and configure connections to S3 for both the base storage layer and any external S3 buckets.

  • S3 connectivity does not appear in the Import Data page until a valid connection to S3 has been created.


The S3 connectivity setting for existing workspaces is unaffected by this change.

In Workspace Settings, the following setting enables or disables S3 connectivity:

Enable S3 connectivity

For more information, see Workspace Settings Page.

Release 8.2

Photon running environment now enabled through Admin console

You can now enable or disable Photon execution through the Admin console.For more information, see Workspace Settings Page.

Removed settings

The features for the following settings are now a part of the core product and can no longer be disabled. These settings have been removed.


Setting Description


Detect maximum column count in XLSX sheet

When you have enabled the Apache POI method for converting Excel files, you can enable this feature to force the conversion service to detect the maximum number of columns in an Excel sheet before beginning the conversion.

Set to true by default, so this setting was no longer needed.

Enable Apache POI based converter for Excel data conversion

When this setting is enabled, the conversion service uses the Java-based Apache POI converter to convert Excel data for ingestion into the product.

Set to true by default, so this setting was no longer needed.

Release 8.0

Collaboration settings apply to both flows and plans

In previous releases, the collaboration features (export, import, and sharing) for flows and plans were managed under different settings. These configuration flags to enable the following capabilities have been consolidated:


When plans have been enabled, the following flags apply to both flows and plans.

Old Setting

New Setting

Doc for Flows

Doc for Plans

Flow export


Export Flow

Export Plan

Flow import


Import Flow

Import Plan

Flow sharing


Share a Flow

Share a Plan

For more information on modifying these settings, see Workspace Settings Page.

Release 7.10

Ability to list users is now configurable

Beginning in this release, workspace administrators can choose whether or not individual users are able to see lists of all users in the workspace. When enabled, for example, users who are trying to share their flows can review the list of all workspace users from which they can select the users to share.


Accessible information can include user email addresses. Some workspace administrators may choose to disable this feature for security reasons. Users are still able to select users if their full email addresses are known.

For more information, see Workspace Settings Page.