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Transformer Toolbar

At the top of the data grid and the column browser, the Transformer toolbar provides quick access to common transformations.

When a tool is selected from one of the drop-downs in the toolbar, a new step is inserted into the current location in your recipe with some of the transformation's parameters pre-specified for you. You can then finish specifying the parameters of the transformation in the Transform Builder.


Figure: Transformer Toolbar


Use these buttons to toggle between the data grid and column browser views of the Transformer page.


Undo or redo previous actions.


Replace cell values based on data type validation, string literals, or patterns. See Replace Groups of Values.


Extract string or numeric values using data validation, literal matches, or patterns. See Extract Values.

Count Matches

Count the number of matching literals or patterns in a column.

Split Column

Split a single column into multiple columns based on a common delimiter or a pattern-based expression.

Merge Columns

Merge two or more columns together.


Format String and Datetime values using a variety of functions.

Create column by examples

Define transformations by mapping output values from a set of input values. After you specify a few values, Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition may be able to interpret the other ones for you. See Create Column by Example.

Group by

Compute aggregation functions for values grouped by columns. Output is new table or one or more columns in the current dataset. For more information, see Create Aggregations.


Generate a pivot table of your data based on specified row and column labels. See Pivot Data.


Collapse columns into row data.

Convert values to columns

Reshape your data by converting unique values into columns or columns into rows.

Objects and Arrays

Use these tools to manipulate your dataset based on columns of Object or Array type.

Filter Rows

Remove or keep rows of data based on data type validation, conditionals, source row numbers, or other factors.


Generate a new column of data based on a specified function.

For a list of available functions, see Language Index.


Use if/then/else or case logic to apply conditionals to your dataset.

See Apply Conditional Transformations.


Join the current dataset with another dataset using a pair of matching keys.

See Join Window.


Add the rows of data from one or more datasets to your current dataset.

See Union Page.


Insert a comment in your recipe at the current step. Comments do not perform any modification to the data.

See Add Comments to Your Recipe.


Attach a target schema to the current recipe or remove it. If a target is attached, you can attempt to auto-match all source and target columns.



This menu is only available in the Column Browser.

Select all or no columns, or invert the currently selected columns. See Column Browser Panel.


Click the Macros icon to open the menu:

  • Insert macro: Search for or select the name of the macro to apply. When a macro is selected, it is opened in the Transformer Builder, where you may specify any parameter values to apply to the macro. See Apply a Macro.

  • Manage in Library: Review available macros. For more information, see Macros Page.

  • Create macro: Enter a name and description for the macro to create. See Create or Replace Macro.

For more information, see Overview of Macros.

Find Column

Locate a column in your dataset by typing in the textbox. For more information, see Data Grid Panel.


Filter the displayed rows and columns based on selection or condition.


Filtered data is hidden from display. It is not removed from the sample or the dataset during execution.

See Filter Data.