Uma nova ferramenta Automodelo DataRobot carrega dados na plataforma de aprendizagem de máquina DataRobot que cria modelos preditivos. DataRobot creates and saves the predictive models which you can apply in Alteryx via the DataRobot Predict tool.
To use this tool, you must subscribe to DataRobot services, and download the tool from the Alteryx Analytics Gallery. Essa ferramenta utiliza a ferramenta R. Vá para OpçõesBaixar ferramentas preditivas e faça login no portal de Downloads e Licenças da Alteryx para instalar o R e os pacotes usados pela ferramenta R. Acesse Baixar e utilizar ferramentas preditivas para obter mais informações.
Um fluxo de dados do Alteryx que inclui um campo-alvo de interesse juntamente com um ou mais possíveis campos preditores.
In Instance URL, enter or paste your DataRobot URL. Unless you have a private DataRobot server, your URL is
Log in to DataRobot via one of these methods:
Insira as credenciais em Nome de usuário e Senha.
Select API Token and paste your DataRobot API token in API token. In a browser, log in to your DataRobot account, then go to User Settings > Profile to find your API token.
Clique em Conectar.
After you connect, enter a unique name for the project in New Project Name.
(Optional) Select Enable Autopilot Mode to select model settings in Alteryx.
Click Select Target Variable and select a column in the data.
In Number of Workers, enter or select the number of workers to use in creating the model. The default number of workers is 2. The number of workers available is set in DataRobot. If you select more workers than are available to you, the workflow will fail.
(Optional) Select Enable Quick Mode to generate fewer predictive models, faster. If you do not select a model generation mode in Alteryx, after you run the workflow, go to DataRobot to select model generation settings.
By default, Open DataRobot project in external browser window is selected so you can view or customize the model in DataRobot.
Execute o fluxo de trabalho para adicionar o arquivo. Esta ferramenta não fornece uma conexão de saída To see the models created in DataRobot, copy and paste the output project URL in the Results window into your web browser.