
Use the Australia/New Zealand Geocoder tool to assign address data to a spatial object, pinpoint locations, display them on a map, and carry out geography-based analyses.

Take the input address file and check it against the USPS Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS).

Break down any street address into its component parts, such as street number, street name, etc.

Coordinate latitude & longitude by querying & downloading data from the TomTom Reverse Geocoder API.

Associate geographic coordinates with input addresses

Use the CASS Tool, Street Geocoder Tool, or US ZIP9 Coder Tool to geocode a customer file.

Associate geographic coordinates with input ZIP9 codes to carry out geography-based analyses.

Use Brazil Geocoder to produce a record-for-record geocode result for Brazilian addresses, including formatted address fields from TomTom, the level of geography that determined the match, lat/long coordinates, and a spatial object.

The Canada Geocoder tool uses the Geocoding suite of products in Designer, including the CASS tool and Street Geocoder tool, to geocode a customer file. This tool works only for Canadian addresses.

The European Geocoder tool produces a record-for-record geocode result for European addresses including formatted address fields from TomTom, the level of geography that determined the match, lat/long coordinates, and a spatial object.
The Mexico Geocoder tool produces a record-for-record geocode result for Mexican addresses including formatted address fields from TomTom, the level of geography that determined the match, lat/long coordinates, and a spatial object.
This macro uses TomTom’s Geocoder API to geocode a file composed of UK addresses.