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What's New in Server 2023.2

Version: 2023.2

Release Date: November 1, 2023

Go to the complete Server 2023.2 Release NotesServer 2023.2 Release Notes

New Features

CLI Option to Connect to Remote Controller

As an administrator, you can now securely transfer encryption keys from your existing environment to migrate Server to a new host or mitigate an outage.

For more information, go to Encryption Key Transfer Process.

New CLI Command

As an administrator, you can now use the new CLI command:

  • setmongoconnectionserver: Sets the MongoDB connection string for the Server UI connection.

Additionally, we’ve added the following commands to our documentation:

  • setmongoconnectionworker: Sets the MongoDB connection string for a Worker.

  • setmongoconnectioncontroller: Sets the MongoDB connection string for a Controller.

For more information, go to AlteryxService Commands.

Swagger V3 API Documentation Update

Updated and improved our Swagger documentation to help you better use and understand all Server V3 APIs. We’ve made updates to endpoint and ID descriptions, implementation notes, and URLs. For more information about endpoints, go to our Server API Documentation.

SQL __ServiceData Blob Removed

Removed __ServiceData Blob to allow better search and sort functionality for certain sets of data. The changes that have occurred in MongoDB due to the removal of the blob are as follows:

  • Columns that were previously hidden in the Blob are now available to be queried.

  • All columns are now of the appropriate type (instead of all being stored as strings), making our Server more consistent with Mongo DB.

  • It also brings performance improvement and increases flexibility for certain queries. For example, you can perform natural datetime comparison queries on datetime columns.

We’ve removed the Service Blob for both FIPS and non-FIPS versions of Server. The changes are reflected on our AlteryxService MongoDB Schema help page.

Upgrade Embedded MongoDB to Supported Version

This feature targets to upgrade our embedded version of MongoDB to version 6. Please follow the below steps in order to upgrade to MongoDB version 6:

  1. Download Alteryx Server 2023.2 from

  2. Run the installer.

  3. You get a prompt to upgrade your MongoDB.

  4. Once MongoDB has been migrated to the latest version and Server is installed successfully, you can run Alteryx Server as usual.

  5. In case of failure during the migration of MongoDB, you will be prompted to contact customer support.

  6. If the migration fails, or if you need to rollback to a previous version, you can manually uninstall 2023.2 and restore a backup. For more information, please visit the Downgrade Alteryx Server help page.


Please note that during the upgrade process, there will be no option to install Predictive Tools in the installer wizard since we have prioritized the MongoDB migration to take precedence. If you would like to install Predictive Tools, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to this file location: <Alteryx_Install_Path>\RInstaller.

  2. Run the RInstaller file for your version. For example, RInstaller_2023.2.1.7.exe.

  3. Start the AlteryxService if it's not running.


  • When upgrading from Server versions between 2022.1 and 2023.1, MongoDB will upgrade to version 6 as part of the installation using steps above.

  • When upgrading from Server version 2021.4 to 2023.2, MongoDB will upgrade to version 6 as part of the installation using the steps above. In this instance, if you use built-in authentication, users will need to reset their password due to improvements in security. For more information how to reset your Server password after upgrade to 2023.2, visit the Reset a User's Server Password help page.

  • When upgrading from Server versions between 2019.3 and 2021.3, you will need to upgrade to a Server version (2021.4 and above) which uses MongoDB version 4.2 first and then you can upgrade to version 2023.2 which uses MongoDB version 6.

  • When upgrading from Server versions older than 2019.2, you will need to upgrade to a Server version (2019.3 to 2021.3) which uses MongoDB version 4 first and then upgrade to a version (2021.4 and above) which uses MongoDB 4.2 and then finally can upgrade to version 2023.2 which uses MongoDB version 6.

Timezone for Schedules in Server API V3

Added timezone for the following API V3 endpoints:

  • POST /v3/schedules: This endpoint has been updated to allow you to set the time and timezone for schedules.

    For example, if you want to set a schedule for 5:00 PM Mountain Time, you should be able to set the schedule to 5:00 PM and select Mountain Time as the timezone. The timezone option is optional, and if you don’t specify the timezone, the default timezone will be UTC time.

  • PUT /v3/schedules: This endpoint has been updated to allow you to update existing schedules created using the API and add a timezone selection if you choose. 

    For example, if you created a schedule using the API endpoints and the time had to be set in UTC, you should be able to update the schedule and change the time and timezone.

    However, existing schedules will continue to run as expected if you choose not to add a timezone.

  • GET /v3/schedules/{id}: This endpoint has been updated you can view the timezone for an existing schedule filtered by Id.

  • GET /v3/schedules: This endpoint has been updated so you can view the timezones for all the existing schedules.

For more information about the endpoints, access the Swagger documentation by selecting the question mark icon in the upper right corner of the Server interface. For valid timezones to use in the above API endpoints, see the Schedules Endpoints help page.

New DCME API V3 Endpoints

Added new DCME API V3 endpoints. The DCME endpoints are divided into 2 groups: DCME endpoints that can be used by users with API access, and DCME Admins endpoints for Curators with API access.

  • As a user, you can use these endpoints to retrieve information about your DCM connection records, share a DCM connections with specified users and groups, create, update, delete, and unshare a DCM connection.

  • As an admin, you can use the admin endpoints to manage all DCM objects in your environment.

For more information, go to DCME Endpoints and Server API V3.

Server V3 API: Allow Users To Run a Job Shared via Collections

This API allows users to run workflows that have been shared with them via a collection. We’ve removed any subscription permission limitations. A user or an admin is not limited to use any API based on the subscription they are in, but being in the same subscription as a workflow can grant them access to run these API endpoints.

Users and admins are now able to use this API endpoint on any workflows they have access to either by owning the workflow, having the workflow shared with them via a collection, or being in the same studio.

Synchronization in Data Connection Manager (DCM) between Alteryx Designer and Alteryx Server

Added the Server Synchronization settings for DCM in Alteryx System Settings. Now it provides admins with the flexibility to manage the flow of connections between the Designer and Server environments. You can choose between Full synchronization, One-way to Designer, and No synchronization. For more information about the settings, go to DCM - Server and Data Connection Manager: Server UI.

Options for Sharing Connections of a Data Source

When sharing a connection, you can now select from 2 options how to share this data source: Share for Collaboration and Share to Run on Server Only.

  • Share for Collaboration: Share a connection allowing multiple users to collaborate on creating workflows. This form of sharing allows other users to synchronize the connection to their Designers to build workflows using this connection.

    • The connection owner can choose to share their credentials together with the connections. If they choose to, other users won’t be able to view the secrets but will be able to use them in workflows. Other users won’t be able to re-use the shared credentials in any other connection - it will be bound to the shared connection only. If the connection owner decides to not share the credentials, each user will then be required to connect their own credentials—for the same authentication method—in order to use the connection.

    • No updates in workflows are necessary to execute the workflow by other users who have this connection shared.

    • Only Server Curators are allowed to share connections for Collaboration.

  • Share to Run on Server Only: Share a connection for workflow execution on Server. The user can’t see the connection, nor can they synchronize it and use it in Designer.

For more information, visit the Data Connection Manager: Server UI help page.

Windows Server 2012 End of Support

As of Server version 2023.2, Alteryx no longer supports Windows Server 2012 as it has reached the end of support by Microsoft. Go to Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 reaching end of support to learn more.

Python Version Upgrade

We have upgraded the embedded Python version to 3.8.16.

Crypto Migration Improvements

We've made the following improvements to the crypto migration process:

Migration Prep Tool Improvements

  • To evaluate any anticipated issues you might need to address prior to upgrading to 2022.3 or later, run a pre-flight check with the Migration Prep Tool.

  • During the pre-migration or full migration process, you will be able to see improved error logs that allow you to resolve the issues yourself. This enables you to take recommended action to ensure the full migration is completed successfully despite any errors.

  • We have added 3 new run options when running the Migration Prep Tool:

    • Default: Run the pre-migration and pre-migration check simultaneously (-p)

    • Run just the pre-migration (apps) (--appsonly)

    • Run just the credential validation step (--credonly)

  • While running the Migration Prep Tool, you must provide the controller token (-t) and hostname/IP Address (-i) of the controller. This also means you can now run the Migration Prep Tool on a multi-node setup by providing the controller's hostname/IP address and controller token.

Please note that 2 instances of the Migration Prep Tool tool cannot run simultaneously for the same controller.

Improved Error Messages

Example of an improved error message:

2024-02-28 10:06:38.038910;3;Error parsing xml file 'C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\RuntimeSettings.xml': char position=0; Message=File was not found

2024-02-28 10:06:38.038834;3;<Error parsing xml file 'C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\RuntimeSettings.xml': char position=0; Message=File was not found>. Please verify <"C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\RuntimeSettings.xml"> exists.

For more information about the pre-flight check, go to Run the Migration Prep Tool.