连接器是自定义工具,可用于访问云应用程序和产品以读取和写入数据或者下载和上传文件。Alteryx 会将连接器发布到 Alteryx 社区 。您必须在 Alteryx Server 上安装匹配的连接器版本才能发布使用该连接器的工作流。连接器独立于 Server 发布,新版本需要手动更新。
连接器以 YXI 文件 的形式提供,是 Alteryx 工具及其所有依赖项的软件包。如果您共享包含 YXI 工具的工作流,则该工具不包含在内,接收者必须自行安装。
从 Alteryx 社区 下载连接器的 YXI 文件。
打开 YXI 文件。连接器文件根据模式安装到文件夹中。
以非管理员用户身份运行 Designer 时
。注意 - Windows 可能会隐藏此文件夹。以管理员身份运行 Designer 时:
- 如果选择 为我的账户安装 ,连接器工具文件夹将安装到
。- 如果 为所有用户安装 ,连接器工具文件夹会安装到
:\ ProgramData\Alteryx\Tools
连接器的文件夹是 Designer 使用连接器所需的全部内容。因此,您可以在用户的计算机(甚至是 Server)之间复制该文件夹来安装连接器。如果将该文件夹复制到不同的 Designer 版本,请确保连接器版本使用相同的 嵌入式 Python 版本 。
Alteryx Server 注意事项
为了在 Gallery 上运行工作流,Alteryx Server 需要在 Server 计算机上单独安装连接器。
如果您想要使用 Python 连接器向 Alteryx Server 发布工作流,并在其中用运行该工作流,请联系 客户支持部门 寻求帮助。
如果您安装了多个版本的连接器,您可以右键单击 Designer 画布上的连接器图标,然后选中 选择版本 以显示所有可用的版本。
Connector | Description |
Generate ad hoc reports from the Adobe Analytics report suites. | |
The Amazon S3 Download tool will retrieve data stored in the cloud. | |
The Amazon S3 Upload tool will transfer data from Alteryx to the cloud. | |
Read data stored in Anaplan into Designer. | |
Write data from Designer to Anaplan. | |
Run Automation Anywhere bots in Designer. | |
Read the data stored in your Box workspace. | |
Write the data to your Box workspace. | |
Perform sentiment analysis, key phrase extraction, and language detection. | |
Read data stored in a Dataverse table into Designer. | |
Write data from Designer into a Dataverse table. | |
Read data from entities stored in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM instance to your Alteryx workflow. | |
Write data from your Alteryx workflow to entities stored in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM instance. | |
Read data stored in a Google Analytics 4 into Designer. | |
Read data from Google Analytics to your Alteryx workflow. | |
Query a table from Google BigQuery and read it into Designer. | |
Write data from Designer to tables in Google BigQuery. | |
Read files stored in a Google Drive into Designer. | |
Write data from Designer to Google Drive. | |
Read data from a Google Sheets spreadsheet into your Alteryx workflow. | |
Publish data from your Alteryx workflow to a Google Sheets spreadsheet. | |
Retrieve records from your Marketo instance. | |
Read Marketo records based on specific parameters | |
Make a call to the Marketo REST API endpoint: Create/Update Leads. | |
Read data from files stored in an Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS) to your Alteryx workflow. | |
Write data from your Alteryx workflow to a file stored in an Azure Data Lake Store (ADLS). | |
Upload a data table from your Alteryx workflow to the Power BI web app. | |
Read data stored in MongoDB databases. | |
Write data to MongoDB databases. | |
Read files stored in OneDrive into Designer. | |
Write data from Designer to OneDrive. | |
Read data stored in Outlook into Designer. | |
Run Power Automate flows in Designer. | |
Publish an Alteryx data stream as a HYPER or TDE file. | |
Query your tables from Salesforce.com and read them into Designer. | |
Write to Salesforce.com tables from Alteryx. | |
Publish data from an Alteryx workflow as a dataset in Wave Analytics. | |
Read data from ServiceNow tables. | |
Read files stored in SharePoint into Designer. | |
Write data from Designer to SharePoint. | |
Read lists from SharePoint into Designer. | |
Write the content of a data stream to a SharePoint list. | |
Read data from Tableau into Designer. | |
Create Tableau HYPER dataset and save it to Tableau server or locally. |