AlteryxGallery MongoDB 是 Server 实例的 Server UI 部分的数据库。本文介绍与 Server 版本 2023.2 相对应的 AlteryxGallery MongoDB 架构版本 46。使用嵌入式 MongoDB 或用户管理的 MongoDB 的 Server 会使用此架构。
作为 Server 管理员,您可能需要访问 Server 实例的 MongoDB 架构来执行报告和分析操作。您可以使用任何兼容的客户端访问 MongoDB 架构。 mongo Shell 是一款非常适合通过命令行进行访问的工具。 MongoDB Compass 是一款非常适合通过 GUI 进行访问的工具。如果使用 MongoDB Atlas ,则可以通过 Atlas Web 控制台访问数据库文档。
我们不支持直接对 MongoDB 数据库进行编辑。直接编辑会导致意外结果。
AlteryxGallery MongoDB 由以下集合组成。集合是对 MongoDB 文档的分组,而 MongoDB 文档则由一系列字段值对组成。选择一个集合可查看字段的定义,该定义也称为架构。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
ApiKey :(String) 用户的 API 验证序号。
Timestamp :(Int32) 周期 (Epoch) 时间戳。
Nonce :(String) 具有唯一性的随机数值。
CompoundKey :(String) 由 API 验证序号、时间戳和 nonce(随机数)组成的复合密钥。
CreateDate :(Date) 创建 nonce(随机数)的日期时间 (UTC)。
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
CreatedBy :(String) 原始作者 ID。
IsPublic :(Boolean) 工作流公开共享的标记。
DateMadePublic :(Date) 上次公开工作流的日期时间 (UTC)。
IsDeleted :(Boolean) 工作流已删除标记。请注意,将此标记更改回 false 不会恢复已删除的工作流。
TotalRunCount :(Int32) 所有工作流版本的所有运行计数。
SubscriptionId :(String) 工作流的订阅(工作室)ID。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
_t :(String) 类型鉴别符。由 Mongo C# 驱动程序用于帮助完成反序列化。
Ownerld :(String) 创建工作流的用户的用户 ID。
SubscriptionId :(String) 工作流的订阅(工作室)ID。
IsPublic :(Boolean) 工作流公开共享的标记。
TagNames :(String) 标签名称。
Name :(String) 搜索对象的显示名称。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
Entity :(String) 创建、更改或移除的对象的类型。
EntityId :(String) 对象 ID。
UserId :(String) 触发操作的用户的 ID。
Timestamp :(Date) 操作发生的日期时间 (UTC)。
Event :(String) 操作。
OldValues :(String) 原始实体值。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
NonceValue :(String) 具有唯一性的 nonce(随机数)值。
TimeStamp :(Date) 创建 nonce(随机数)的日期时间 (UTC)。
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
MimeType :(String) 所上传图像的 mime 类型。
FileName :(String) 所上传图像的文件名。
Banner :(String) 所上传文件的 Base64 编码二进制数据。
Active :(Boolean) 指示横幅是否处于活动状态的标记。
StartDate :(Date) 将横幅设置为活动状态的日期时间 (UTC)。
EndDate :(Date) 将横幅设置为非活动状态的日期时间 (UTC)。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
CollectionId :(String) 集合 ID。在 Server 集合 URL 中使用。
Name :(String) 集合名称。
OwnerId :(String) 集合所有者的用户 ID。
DateAdded :(Date) 创建集合的日期时间 (UTC)。
Apps :(Array) 集合中所有工作流的信息的数组。
Schedules :(Array) 集合中所有计划的信息数组。
Insights :(Array) 集合中所有洞察信息的数组。
Users :(Array) 将集合共享到的用户的数组。
Subscriptions :(Array) 该数组包含将集合共享到的订阅(工作室)的相关信息。数据结构与 Users 相同。
UserGroups :(Array) 数组,包含将集合共享到的用户组的相关信息。数据结构与 Users 相同。
MetaInfo_OutputMessage: (nvarchar) The output message portion of the AppMetaInfo.
MetaInfo_NoOutputFilesMessage: (nvarchar) The no-output-files message portion of the AppMetaInfo.
NextApp: (nvarchar) The name of the next app in a series of Analytic Apps.
DocumentXml: (nvarchar) The XML representation of the document (app).
Validation_Id: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key part to an AppValidation.
Validation_ValidationId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key part to an AppValidation.
_id :(ObjectID) 文档主键。
_t :(String) 类型鉴别符。
Name :(String) 集合的名称。
Owner :(String) 集合所有者的名称。
OwnerId :(String) 集合所有者的用户 ID。
DateCreated :(Datetime) 创建集合的日期时间。
WorkflowCount :(Int32) 集合内的工作流数。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
Command :(Int32) 命令的类型。
SearchData :(Object) 特定于搜索索引的元数据。此架构可能会因创建或更新的搜索类型而异。此外还有包含搜索数据的其他字段。
State :(Object) 更新请求状态和消息。
IsDeleted: (bit) Workflow deleted flag. Note, changing this back to false does not recover the deleted workflow.
TotalRunCount: (int) Count of all runs across all workflow versions.
SubscriptionId: (nvarchar) Workflow's Subscription (Studio) ID.
SubscriptionName: (nvarchar) Subscription display name.
ServiceId: (nvarchar) ID of the document in AlteryxServiceAS_Applications.
SourceAppId: (nvarchar) ID used for workflow migration (promotion) via the API.
IconId: (nvarchar) Workflow icon image ID.
Version: (int) The version of the AppInfo record.
WorkerTag: (nvarchar) Workflow worker tag.
IsReadyForMigration: (bit) Workflow migration (promotion) flag.
Comments: (nvarchar) User-entered comments of the app.
RunDisabled: (bit) Flag to disable workflow runs.
PackageType: (bit) The type of the workflow - App (0), Module (1), or Macro (2).
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
EffectiveDate :(Date) 环境的安装日期时间 (UTC)
SystemMessage :(String) Server 中向用户显示的横幅系统消息。请参阅 通知 。
[已过时] Terms :(Array) 服务条款信息(仅适用于 Alteryx Public Gallery [])。
Notifications :(Object) 电子邮件通知配置信息。
Name: (nvarchar) The name of the App.
Owner: (nvarchar) The owner’s name of the App.
FileName: (nvarchar) The file name of the App.
ChainedAppNames: (nvarchar) The names of chained apps.
TagIds: (nvarchar) The identifiers of the tags assigned to the App.
PackageType: (int) The type of App - App (0), Module (1), or Macro (2).
DateCreated: (datetime) Date and time the App was created.
DateMadePublic: (datetime) Date and time the App was made public.
TotalRunCount: (int) The total number of times the app has been run.
IsAmp: (bit) Whether the App is Amp-enabled or not.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
Username :(String) 工作流凭证用户名。
PasswordId :(String) 存储的密码 ID。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
_t :(String) 类型鉴别符。由 Mongo C# 驱动程序用于帮助完成反序列化。
UserName :(String) 工作流凭证用户名。
DateAdded: (datetime) The date and time the share was created.
AddedById: (nvarchar) The non-foreign-key identifier of the User record that created the share.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
ConnectionId :(String) 连接的唯一 GUID。
CreatedOn :(String) 创建连接的 ISO 日期时间。
LastChangedOn :(String) 上次更新的 ISO 日期时间。
Name :(String) 连接的显示名称。
SchemaName :(String) 凭证类型。
Version :(Integer) 版本号。
Comments: (nvarchar) The user-set comments on the revision.
AllowInSDKs :(Boolean) 用于允许 SDK 工具使用该连接的标记。
Parameters :(String) 父对象的关联元数据。
DataSourceId :(String)
Credentials :(Object)
Owner :(String) 拥有连接的用户 ID。
CreatedBy :(String) 创建连接的用户 ID。
LastChangedBy :(String) 最近更新或更改连接的用户 ID。
Deleted :(Boolean) 指示连接是否已删除的标记。
DeletedBy :(String) 删除连接的用户 ID。
DeletedOn :(String) 删除连接的日期和时间。
Users :(Array) 包含将连接共享到的用户 ID 的数组。允许使用连接在 Server 中执行工作流。不允许用户通过连接创建新内容。
UserGroups :(Array) 该数组包含将连接共享到的用户组 ID。允许使用连接在 Server 中执行工作流。不允许用户通过连接创建新内容。
IsE2: (bit) Whether the revision is AMP enabled or not.
Permissions_Id: (nvarchar) The foreign-key identifier for a PersistentAppPermissions record.
Validation_Id: (nvarchar) The partial foreign-key identifier for an AppValidation record.
Validation_ValidationId: (nvarchar) The partial foreign-key identifier for an AppValidation record.
_id :(ObjectID) 文档主键。
CredentialId :(String) 凭证的唯一 GUID。
CreatedOn :(String) 创建凭证时的 ISO 日期时间。
LastChangedOn :(String) 上次更新的 ISO 日期时间。
_id :(ObjectID) 文档主键。
DataSourceId :(String) “连接”的唯一 GUID。
CreatedOn :(String) 创建连接的 ISO 日期时间。
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
LastChangedOn :(String) 上次更新的 ISO 日期时间。
Name :(String) 连接的显示名称。
SchemaName :(String) 凭证类型。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
ConectionString :(String) 散列数据库连接字符串。
PasswordSecured :(String) 数据库连接的加密密码。
ConnectionName :(String) 数据连接显示名称。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
_t :(String) 类型鉴别符。由 Mongo C# 驱动程序用于帮助完成反序列化。
ConnectionName :(String) 数据连接显示名称。
ConnectionString :(String) 数据连接字符串。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
FileName :(String) 图标文件名。
MimeType :(String) 图标 mime 类型。
LargeIcon :(String) 所上传文件的 Base64 编码二进制数据。
UploadDate :(Date) 上传图标的日期时间 (UTC)。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
Title :(String) 分区显示名称。
Description :(String) 分区描述。
TagId :(String) 与分区关联的标签的标签 ID。
NavTitle :(String) 分区导航链接文本。
IconId :(String) 图标 ID。
Active :(Boolean) 指示分区是否处于活跃状态的标记。
SortOrder :(Int32) 分区排序顺序。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
_t :(String) 类型鉴别符。由 Mongo C# 驱动程序用于帮助完成反序列化。
Name :(String) 分区显示名称。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
Name :(String) 对象显示名称。
OwnerId :(String) 对对象拥有所有权的用户的用户 ID。
DateCreated :(Date) 创建对象的日期时间 (UTC)。
Type :(String) 对象类型。
IsViewable :(Boolean) 用于表示该对象可供所有用户查看还是仅供已共享的用户查看的标记。
EndDate: (datetime) Date-time (UTC) when the banner was set to inactive.
SortOrder: (int) Banner rotation order.
Link: (nvarchar) URL banner image links to.
AltText: (nvarchar) URL descriptive hover text.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
WindowsIdentity :(Object) Active Directory 用户组的相关信息。
Role :(String) 分配给用户组的角色。可能的值包括 No Access(无访问权限) 、 Viewer(查看者) 、 Member(成员) 、 Artisan(创建者) 或 Curator(管理员) 。
DateAdded :(Date) 将用户组添加到环境的日期时间 (UTC)。请注意,对于现有用户组,此日期设置为升级到版本 2020.1 的日期时间。如果您跳过版本 2020.1,则升级前存在的用户组的日期时间将设置为升级到 2020.3 的日期时间。
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
FileName :(String) 图标文件名。
MimeType :(String) 图标 mime 类型。
LargeIcon :(String) 所上传文件的 Base64 编码二进制数据。
UploadDate :(Date) 上传图标的日期时间 (UTC)。
SmallIcon :(String) 图标缩略图的 Base64 编码二进制数据。
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
InsightId :(String) 洞察 ID。在 Server 洞察 URL 中使用。
Name :(String) 洞察显示名称。
LastUpdated :(Date) 上次更新洞察的日期时间 (UTC)。
OwnerId :(String) 拥有洞察的用户的用户 ID。
IconId :(String) 洞察图标 ID。
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
_t :(String) 类型鉴别符。由 Mongo C# 驱动程序用于帮助完成反序列化。
InsightId :(String) 洞察 ID。在 Server 洞察 URL 中使用。
Name :(String) 洞察显示名称。
Owner :(String) 显示洞察所有者的名称。
OwnerId :(String) 洞察所有者的用户 ID。
LastPublishedDate :(Date) 上次更新洞察的日期时间 (UTC)。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
Type: (Int32) 锁定的类型。0=索引。1=架构迁移、2=计划预测。
LastObtained :(Date) 上次获取锁定的日期时间 (UTC)。
MachineName :(String) 拥有锁的 Server 节点的主机名。
OwnerId :(String) 上次使用锁定的进程的进程 ID。
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
ImageData :(String) 所上传文件的 Base64 编码二进制数据。
IsDefault :(Boolean)
MimeType :(String) 徽标 mime 类型。
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
FileName :(String) 图标文件名。
Title :(String) 媒体的标题。标题通常与文件名相同。
Type :(String) 所上传媒体文件的类型。
Data :(String) 所上传文件的 Base64 编码二进制数据。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
_t :(String) 类型鉴别符。由 Mongo C# 驱动程序用于帮助完成反序列化。
FileName :(String) 图标文件名。
Title :(String) 媒体的标题。标题通常与文件名相同。
Type :(String) 所上传媒体文件的类型。
Extension :(String) 文件扩展名。
ScheduleCount: (int) How many schedules are shared via the collection.
UserCount: (int) How many users are members of the collection.
UserGroupCount: (int) How many user groups are members of the collection.
CollectionId: (nvarchar) The identifier of the Collection record.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
Header :(Array) 页眉链接的数组。页脚链接已移至页眉。
Footer :不再使用。
Main :不再使用。
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
AuthorUserId :(String) 创建页面的用户的用户 ID。
Title :(String) 页面标题。
Permalink :(String) 页面永久链接。
Body :(String) 页面正文内容。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
_t :(String) 类型鉴别符。由 Mongo C# 驱动程序用于帮助完成反序列化。
Status :(Int32) 页面状态。0=草稿。1=已发布。
DesignerDownloadURL: (nvarchar) Designer download link URL.
Author :(String) 作者的显示名称。
SignupDisabled: (bit) Flag to disable Server account signups. Allows users to sign up for an account via the login screen in Servers using built-in authentication. This flag also allows accounts to be created automatically with SAML after the user successfully authenticates with the IDP.
GalleryName: (nvarchar) Custom name for the Server. Defined in theme settings. See Theme.
AnonymousUsage: (bit) Flat to enable anonymous (unregistered) users to run workflows.
ApiEnabled: (bit) Flag to enable Server API access.
UserCredentialState: (int)
SchedulerEnabled: (bit) Server-level flag to enable scheduling.
SchedulerValidationInterval: (nvarchar)
KeyPairXmlEncrypted: (nvarchar) Encrypted key value.
NumAllowedLoginAttempts: (int) Number of login failures allowed before the account is locked.
MigrationEnabled: (bit) Flag to allow workflows to be migrated (promoted).
DirectDownloadDisabled: (bit) Whether users can download workflows directly.
AllowUnsharedCredentialAccess: (bit) Whether to allow unshared credentials access.
AllowedHosts: (nvarchar) List of newline separated hostnames that the service is allowed to serve data for. Default value is NULL. NULL and empty values allow all hostnames. The hostname 'localhost' and the hostname from the Server base URL are always allowed regardless of the setting.
LastForecastRefresh: (datetime) The date and time of the last refresh of the Schedule Forecast data.
ForecastInterval: (int) How often to refresh the Schedule Forecast data.
AccountLockTimeout: (int) Account lockout period.
EnforceLoginAttemptTimeout: (bit) Flag to enable account lockout for failed attempts.
LanguageEnabled: (bit) Flag to enable language support.
DefaultLanguage: (nvarchar) System defined default language/locale.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
ScheduleId :(String) 计划的唯一 ID。
AppEstimatedCompletionTime :(Int32) 计划运行的预计时间量。
_id :(ObjectID) 文档主键。
Name :(String) 锁定的名称。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
SessionID :(String) 唯一的会话 ID。
UserId :(String) 唯一的用户 ID。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
SessionId :(String) 会话 ID。
Active :(Boolean) 指示会话是否处于活跃状态的标记。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
[已过时] LicenseKey :(String) 订阅(工作室)密钥。
Name :(String) 工作室显示名称。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
_t :(String) 类型鉴别符。由 Mongo C# 驱动程序用于帮助完成反序列化。
Name :(String) 订阅(工作室)的显示名称。
CssSelectorCssSectionCustomCssId: (nvarchar) Partial foreign-key to CssSelector record.
FriendlyName: (nvarchar) The human readable name for the property.
Value: (nvarchar) The value of the property.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
Name :(String) 标签显示名称。
Description :(String) 标签描述。
AdminOnly :(Boolean) 标签仅针对管理员启用。
CssPropertyCssSelectorCssSectionCustomCssId: (nvarchar) Partial foreign-key to CssProperties record.
Name: (nvarchar) The name of the css property.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
_t :(String) 类型鉴别符。由 Mongo C# 驱动程序用于帮助完成反序列化。
Name :(String) 标签显示名称。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
Token :(String) 令牌字符串。
UserId :(String) 用户 ID。
Expiration :(Date) 令牌到期的日期时间 (UTC)。
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
Type :(Int32) 表示捕获的使用情况数据类型的整数值。可能的值包括 10=AppExecution、11=SignupDisplayed、12=GlobalSearch、13=LicenseTransfer、14=Shepherding、GlobalSettings=15、400=Profiling、401=DataProfiling、1000-1999=Exceptions。
SerialNumber :(String) 与活动许可证关联的序列号(通常是电子邮件地址)。
DeviceId :(String) 报告数据的设备的 ID。ID 是设备 GUID、计算机名称和序列号的组合。
SeatGuid :(String) 席位 ID。
FlexnetVendorSnippets :(Object) 许可证数据。
Guid :(String) 具有唯一性的 GUID。
_id :(ObjectID) 文档主键。
Name :(String) 用户组的名称。
Members :(Array) 属于用户组的用户的数组。
Role :(String) 分配给用户组的角色的字符串值。
Credentials :(Array) 分配给用户组的工作流凭证的数组。
DataConnections :(Array) 与用户组共享的数据连接的数组。
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
_id :(ObjectID) 文档主键。
FileName :(String) 文件的名称。
MimeType :(String) 文件的类型。
LargeIcon :(String) base64 编码的图像。
UploadDate :(Datetime) 上传图标的日期时间。
SmallIcon :(String) base64 编码的图像。
UserId :(String) 图标代表的用户。
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
ConnectionString: (nvarchar) Hashed database connection string.
PasswordSecured: (nvarchar) Encrypted password for the database connection.
ConnectionName: (nvarchar) Data connection display name.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
ConnectionName: (nvarchar) Data connection display name.
ConnectionType: (nvarchar) Human-readable Data Connection type.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
DataConnectionId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a DataConnection record.
UserGroupId: (nvarchar) Non-foreign-key identifier of a UserGroup record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
DataConnectionId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a DataConnection.
UserId: (nvarchar) Non-foreign-key identifier of a UserGroup record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
SourceConnectionName: (nvarchar) Display name of the source connection.
SourceConnectionId: (nvarchar) ConnectionId of the source connection, as found in workflows.
TargetConnectionId: (nvarchar) ID of the connection to be used instead of the Source.
CreatedOn: (nvarchar) ISO date-time when the connection was created.
CreatedBy: (nvarchar) ID of the user that created the connection.
LastChangedOn: (nvarchar) ISO date-time of the last update.
LastChangedBy: (nvarchar) ID of the user that recently updated or changed the connection.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
_t :(String) 类型鉴别符。由 Mongo C# 驱动程序用于帮助完成反序列化。
Email :(String) 用户的电子邮件地址。
Name :(String) 用户的显示名。
DateAdded :(Date) 创建用户的日期时间 (UTC)。
Role :(String) 分配给用户的角色。
Active :(Boolean) 标示用户的电子邮件是否处于活跃状态。
AllowInSDKs: (bit) Flag to enable the connection to be used by SDK tools.
ShareablePortionId: (nvarchar) ID of the shareable connection portion.
ParametersAsJson: (nvarchar) Various connection parameters as defined by its schema, stored as JSON.
DataSourceId: (nvarchar) ID of the DCM data source.
CredentialsAsJson: (nvarchar) Various credential slots as defined by the connection schema, stored as JSON, including Credential ID reference(s).
Owner: (nvarchar) ID of the user that owns the connection.
CreatedBy: (nvarchar) ID of the user that created the connection.
LastChangedBy: (nvarchar) ID of the user that recently updated or changed the connection.
Deleted: (bit) Flag to indicate if the connection has been deleted.
DeletedBy: (nvarchar) ID of the user that deleted the connection.
DeletedOn: (nvarchar) Date-time the connection was deleted.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
UserId :用户 ID。
UserGroupId: (nvarchar) Relational foreign key to a UserGroup record.
_id :(ObjectId) 文档主键。
Number :(Int32) MongoDB 数据库架构版本号。
MigrationDate :(Date) 将架构迁移到此版本的日期时间 (UTC)。这通常是升级到 Server 新版本的日期和时间。
[已过时] _id:(ObjectId) 文档主键。
CredentialId: (nvarchar) Unique GUID of the credential.
CreatedOn: (nvarchar) ISO date-time when the credential was created.
LastChangedOn: (nvarchar) ISO date-time of the last update.
Name: (nvarchar) Display name of the credential.
SchemaName: (nvarchar) Credential type.
Version: (int) Version number.
ParametersBsonDocAsJson: (nvarchar)
UserName: (nvarchar) Username associated with the credential.
SecretsAsJson: (nvarchar) Various secrets slots as defined by the credential schema, stored as JSON, including Secret ID reference(s).
VaultConnectionId: (nvarchar) ID of the Connection to the external vault.
VaultPath: (nvarchar) The common path to the secret inside an external vault.
VaultFieldsMappingAsJson: (nvarchar) Mapping of secrets fetched from an external vault to the credential schema, stored as JSON.
Owner: (nvarchar) User ID of the user that owns the credential.
CreatedBy: (nvarchar) User ID of the user that created the credential.
LastChangedBy: (nvarchar) User ID of the last user to update the credential.
Deleted: (bit) Flag indicating if the credential has been deleted.
DeletedBy: (nvarchar) User ID of the user that deleted the credential.
DeletedOn: (nvarchar) ISO date-time the credential was deleted.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
DataSourceId: (nvarchar) Unique GUID of the connection.
CreatedOn: (nvarchar) ISO date-time when the connection was created.
LastChangedOn: (nvarchar) ISO date-time of last update.
Name: (nvarchar) Display name of the connection.
SchemaName: (nvarchar) Credential type.
Version: (int) Version number.
DriverName: (nvarchar) Name of the ODBC driver used.
Host: (nvarchar) hostname or FQDN of a server providing the data source.
ParametersAsJson: (nvarchar) Various data source parameters as defined by its schema.
Owner: (nvarchar) ID of the user that owns the data source.
CreatedBy: (nvarchar) ID of the user that created the data source.
LastChangedBy: (nvarchar) ID of the user that recently updated or changed the connection.
Deleted: (bit) Flag indicating if the data source has been deleted.
DeletedBy: (nvarchar) ID of the user that deleted the data source.
DeletedOn: (nvarchar) Date-time the data source was deleted.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
LockId: (nvarchar) Unique GUID of the lock.
ConnectionId: (nvarchar) ConnectionId of the connection this lock was created for.
CredentialId: (nvarchar) CredentialId of the credential this lock was created for.
ExpiresIn: (float) Time when the lock will expire (from CreatedOn, in microseconds).
CreatedOn: (datetime) ISO date-time the lock was created.
CredentialType: (nvarchar) The name of the slot the locked credential resides in the connection.
SecretType: (nvarchar) The name of the slot the locked secret resides in the credential.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Username: (nvarchar) Username for the user's default credential.
PasswordId: (nvarchar) Encrypted password if the user-provided credentials that aren't shared. Value is null if the user selects a shared workflow credential as their default credential.
CredentialId: (nvarchar) Id of the workflow credential if the user-selected default is a shared
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
FileName: (nvarchar) Icon file name.
MimeType: (nvarchar) Icon mime type.
LargeIcon: (nvarchar) Base64-encoded binary data for the uploaded file.
UploadDate: (datetime) Date-time (UTC) icon was uploaded.
SmallIcon: (nvarchar) Base64-encoded binary data for the icon thumbnail.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Title: (nvarchar) District display name.
Description: (nvarchar) District description.
TagId: (nvarchar) Tag ID for the tag associated with the district.
NavTitle: (nvarchar) District navigation link text.
IconId: (nvarchar) Icon ID.
Active: (bit) Flag for whether district is active.
SortOrder: (int) District sort order.
Excerpt: (nvarchar) District excerpt text.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Name: (nvarchar) District display name.
Tag: (nvarchar) Tag Name for the tag associated with the district.
Active: (bit) Flag for whether district is active.
OwnerId: (nvarchar) Unpopulated as Districts do not have owners.
DateCreated: (datetime) Unpopulated as District creation date is not tracked.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Group: (nvarchar) Email preference group ID.
Description: (nvarchar) Email preference group description.
Active: (bit) Flag for whether the group is active.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
NotificationMessagesId: (nvarchar) Relational foreign-key to a NotificationMessages record.
Name: (nvarchar) Email notification name.
Subject: (nvarchar) Subject of the email.
Body: (nvarchar) Body of the email.
IsBodyHtml: (bit) Flag for HTML email notification body.
FriendlyName: (nvarchar) Email notification display name.
Description: (nvarchar) Description summarizing the notification.
IsDisableable: (bit) Flag to allow notification to be disabled.
Enabled: (bit) Flag to enable notification.
EmailGroup_Id: (nvarchar) Relational foreign-key to an EmailMessageNotificationPreferenceGroup record.
PlaceholdersAsJson: (nvarchar) JSON string representation of email message placeholders.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Name: (nvarchar) The name of the record.
OwnerId: (nvarchar) The User record identifier that owns the searchable record subject.
DateCreated: (datetime) The date and time the searchable record subject was created.
Type: (nvarchar) The underlying type of the searchable record subject.
IsViewable: (bit) Whether the record should be viewable or not.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Role: (nvarchar) Role assigned to the group. Possible values are No Access, Viewer, Member, Artisan, or Curator.
DateAdded: (datetime) Date-time (UTC) the group was added to the environment. Note that for existing groups this date is set to the date-time of the upgrade to version 2020.1. If you skipped version 2020.1, the date-time of groups that existed prior to upgrade is set to the date-time of the upgrade to 2020.3.
ServerRole: (int) The role with which the group and members will be regarded as.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Sid: (nvarchar) Group SID (security identifier).
DisplayName: (nvarchar) Group display name.
Name: (nvarchar) Group name in
format.SamAccountName: (nvarchar) Sam account name.
GroupRole_Id: (nvarchar) Document primary key.
With the 2024.1 release, the Insight tool has reached end of life and is no longer available in Alteryx Server. To understand how this might impact you, please visit our FAQ page.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
FileName: (nvarchar) Icon file name.
MimeType: (nvarchar) Icon mime type.
LargeIcon: (nvarchar) Base64-encoded binary data for the uploaded file.
UploadDate: (datetime) The date and time (UTC) the icon was uploaded.
SmallIcon: (nvarchar) Base64-encoded binary data for the icon thumbnail.
Note: With the 2024.1 release, the Insight tool has reached end of life and is no longer available in Alteryx Server. To understand how this might impact you, please visit our FAQ page.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
InsightId: (nvarchar) Insight ID. Used in the Server insight URL.
Name: (nvarchar) Insight display name.
LastUpdated: (datetime) Date-time (UTC) insight was last updated.
OwnerId: (nvarchar) User ID for the user the owns the insight.
IconId: (nvarchar) Insight icon ID.
Note: With the 2024.1 release, the Insight tool has reached end of life and is no longer available in Alteryx Server. To understand how this might impact you, please visit our FAQ page.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
InsightId: (nvarchar) Insight ID.
Name: (nvarchar) Insight display name.
Owner: (nvarchar) The name of the owner of the insight.
OwnerId: (nvarchar) User ID for the user the owns the insight.
LastPublishedDate: (datetime) Date-time (UTC) insight was last published.
DateCreated: (datetime) Date and time the insight was created.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Type: (int) Type of lock. 0=index. 1=schema migration, 2=schedule forecast.
MachineName: (nvarchar) Hostname of the Server node holding the lock.
OwnerId: (nvarchar) Process ID of the process that last used the lock.
LastObtained: (datetime) Date-time (UTC) the lock was last obtained.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
ImageData: (nvarchar) Base64-encoded binary data for the uploaded file.
IsDefault: (bit)
MimeType: (nvarchar) Logo mime type.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
FileName: (nvarchar) Icon file name.
Title: (nvarchar) Title of the media. This is usually the same as the file name.
Type: (nvarchar) The type of media file uploaded.
Data: (nvarchar) Base64-encoded binary data for the uploaded file.
Thumbnail: (nvarchar) Base64-encoded binary data for the thumbnail.
Extension: (nvarchar) File extension.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
FileName: (nvarchar) Icon file name.
Title: (nvarchar) Title of the media. This is usually the same as the file name.
Type: (nvarchar) The type of media file uploaded.
Extension: (nvarchar) File extension.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
SubscriptionId: (nvarchar) The non-foreign-key identifier of a Subscription record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
MigrationHistory: (nvarchar) The identifier of the migration record.
ContextKey: (nvarchar) Fully Qualified class of the Database Context which the migration is applied from.
Model: (varbinary) Entity Framework hash representation of the Model state post-migration.
ProductVersion: (nvarchar) Entity Framework library version used.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
LastPolled: (datetime) Date and time (UTC) the notifications were last checked.
LocalizationNotificationSent: (bit) Tracks if the user has been presented the localization notice.
Id: (nvarchar): The identifier of the record.
Id: (nvarchar): The identifier of the record.
UserId: (nvarchar) Non-foreign-key identifier to a User record.
SubscriptionCollectionShare_Id: (nvarchar) Relational partial foreign-key to a SubscriptionCollectionShare record.
SubscriptionCollectionShare_CollectionId: (nvarchar) Relational partial foreign-key to a SubscriptionCollectionShare record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
AuthorUserId: (nvarchar) User ID for the user that created the page.
Title: (nvarchar) Page title.
Permalink: (nvarchar) Page permalink.
Body: (nvarchar) Page body content.
Excerpt: (nvarchar) Page excerpt.
Categories: (nvarchar) Null.
Status: (int) Page status. Values: 0=Draft, 1=Published.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time (UTC) page was created.
UpdatedDate: (datetime) Date andtime (UTC) page was last updated.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Status: (int) Page status. Values: 0=Draft, 1=Published.
Author: (nvarchar) The User record identifier of who made the Page.
Name: (nvarchar) The name of the page.
OwnerId: (nvarchar) The User record identifier of who owns the Page.
DateCreated: (datetime) The date and time the Page subject record was created.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
CanDownload: (bit) Flag that enables workflow downloads.
AllowVersionHistory: (bit) Flag that allows others to view workflow history.
CanExecute: (bit) Whether execution is allowed.
CanDelete: (bit) Whether deletion is allowed.
Discriminator: (nvarchar) The underlying software object type that should be populated when read from the database.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
ScheduleId: (nvarchar) Unique ID of the schedule.
AppEstimatedCompletionTime: (int) The predicted amount of time the schedule will run for.
ScheduleName: (nvarchar) Name of the schedule.
StartTime: (datetime) Date and time the schedule should start.
Frequency: (nvarchar) Frequency at which the schedule will occur.
WorkflowName: (nvarchar) Name of the workflow associated with the schedule.
OwnerId: (nvarchar) Unique ID of the user that owns the schedule.
Priority: (int) Integer value representing the priority of the schedule.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
IsEnabled: (bit) Whether SCIM config is enabled.
CanonicalUri: (bit) The Canonical URI.
WebApiUri: (nvarchar) The Server Web API hosted Uri.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Jwt: (nvarchar) JWT token.
LifetimeDays: (int) Lifetime validity.
SymmetricKey (nvarchar) Symmetric Encryption key.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
SessionID: (nvarchar) Unique session ID.
UserId: (nvarchar) Unique user ID.
ServerRSAPublicKey: (nvarchar)
ServerRSAPrivateKey: (nvarchar)
ServerECDHPublicKey: (nvarchar)
ServerECDHPrivateKey: (nvarchar)
ClientRSAPublicKey: (nvarchar)
ClientECDHPublicKey: (nvarchar)
SharedSecret: (nvarchar)
IsDesignerSyncKeys: (bit)
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Password: (nvarchar) Hashed, salted, and encrypted password.
HMACKey: (nvarchar) HMAC key for hashing password.
Salt: (nvarchar) Salt value used to salt password.
PasswordResetNonce: (nvarchar) Nonce value used when password reset is initiated.
User_Id: (nvarchar) Relational foreign-key to a User record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
SessionId: (nvarchar) Session ID.
Active: (bit) Flag for whether the session is active.
UserId: (nvarchar) User ID.
CreationDate: (datetime) Date and time (UTC) session was created.
UpdateDate: (datetime) Date and time (UTC) session was last updated.
Anonymous: (bit) Flag for whether session is for an anonymous user.
KeepAlive: (bit) Flag for whether the session should be kept alive.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
SubscriptionId: (nvarchar) User's subscription ID.
CredentialId: (nvarchar) Default workflow credential ID for the subscription.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
SubscriptionId: (nvarchar) User's subscription ID.
DataConnectionId: (nvarchar) Document primary key.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Name: (nvarchar) Studio display name.
ApiKey: (nvarchar) Subscription API key.
ApiSecret: (nvarchar) Encrypted/hashed API secret for the subscription/studio.
Active: (bit) Flag for whether subscription is active.
ExpDate: (datetime) Date and time (UTC) subscription expires.
DateUpdated: (datetime) Date and time (UTC) subscription was last updated.
ApiEnabled: (bit) Flag to enable Server API access for the subscription.
CanShareSchedules: (bit) Flag to enable scheduling for the subscription.
CredentialId: (nvarchar) Default workflow credential ID for the subscription.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Name: (nvarchar) Studio display name.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Name: (nvarchar) Tag display name.
Description: (nvarchar) Tag description.
AdminOnly: (bit) Tag is enabled for Curators only.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Name: (nvarchar) Tag display name.
AdminOnly: (bit) Tag is enabled for Curators only.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Token: (nvarchar) Token string.
UserId: (nvarchar) User ID.
Expiration: (datetime) Date and time (UTC) token expires.
SessionId: (nvarchar) Session ID.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Type: (int) Integer value representing the type of usage data captured. Possible values are 10=AppExecution, 11=SignupDisplayed, 12=GlobalSearch, 13=LicenseTransfer, 14=Shepherding, GlobalSettings=15, 400=Profiling, 401=DataProfiling, 1000-1999=Exceptions.
SerialNumber: (nvarchar) Serial number (typically an email address) associated with the active license.
DeviceId: (nvarchar) ID of device reporting the data. The ID is a combination of the device GUID, machine name, and serial number.
SeatGuid: (nvarchar) Seat ID.
Guid: (nvarchar) Unique Guid.
IpAddress: (nvarchar) IP address for machine reporting usage data.
DateTime: (datetime) Date and time (UTC) the data was reported by the client.
ServerDateTime: (datetime) Date and time (UTC) on the Server when the data was received.
Version: (nvarchar) Version of Designer.
Preview: (bit) Flag for whether the build is Beta.
Cores: (int) Number of cores detected by Designer.
IsTrial: (bit) Flag for a trial license.
Data: (nvarchar) Usage data in JSON format.
UserId: (nvarchar) User ID.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Type: (int) Integer value representing the type of usage data captured. Possible values are 10=AppExecution, 11=SignupDisplayed, 12=GlobalSearch, 13=LicenseTransfer, 14=Shepherding, GlobalSettings=15, 400=Profiling, 401=DataProfiling, 1000-1999=Exceptions.
Content: (nvarchar)
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
UserId: (nvarchar) The User record identifier.
CredentialId: (nvarchar) The Credential record identifier.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
UserId: (nvarchar) Relational foreign-key to a User record.
DataConnectionId: (nvarchar) Non-foreign-key to a DataConnection record.
UserGroupMemberId: (nvarchar) Relational partial foreign-key to a UserGroupMember record.
UserGroupMemberUserGroupId: (nvarchar) Relational partial foreign-key to a UserGroupMember record.
Sid: (nvarchar) User's or Group's Active Directory security ID.
Category: (int) Identifies if an Active Directory object is a user or a group (0 = User, 1 = Group).
DisplayName: (nvarchar) User's Active Directory Display Name in 'firstName lastName' format.
DomainName: (nvarchar) User's network name in 'domain\username' format.
SamAccountName: (nvarchar) User's Active Directory Sam (username).
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
UserGroupId: (nvarchar) Relational foreign-key to a UserGroup record.
CredentialId: (nvarchar) Non-foreign-key to a Credential record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
UserGroupId: (nvarchar) Relational foreign-key to a UserGroup record.
DataConnectionId: (nvarchar) Non-foreign-key to a DataConnection record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
UserGroupId: (nvarchar) Relational foreign-key to a User Group record.
UserId: (nvarchar) Unique ID of the user added to the group (NULL if member is an Active Directory user or Active Directory Group).
DateAdded: (datetime) Date and time the user was added.
AddedById: (nvarchar) Unique ID of the admin that added the user to the group.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Name: (nvarchar) Name of the group.
Role: (nvarchar) String value for the role assigned to the group.
DateAdded: (datetime) Date and time the group was created.
ServerRole: (int) The Alteryx Server Role assigned to the user group.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
UserId: (nvarchar) The non-foreign-key identifier of a User record.
FileName: (nvarchar) The file name of the icon.
MimeType: (nvarchar) The MIME type of the icon file.
LargeIcon: (nvarchar) Base64 encoded string of the large image.
UploadDate: (datetime) Date and time the icon was uploaded.
SmallIcon: (nvarchar) Base64 encoded string of the small image.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
UserId: (nvarchar) Relational foreign-key to a User record.
NotificationGroupId: (nvarchar) Non-foreign-key to a NotificationGroup record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Picture: (varbinary) User's profile picture.
IconId: (nvarchar) ID of the user's profile picture.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Role: (nvarchar) The user's assigned role.
Email: (nvarchar) The user's email address.
FirstName: (nvarchar) The user's first name.
LastName: (nvarchar) The user's last name.
DateAdded: (datetime) Date and time (UTC) the user was created.
DateUpdated: (datetime) Date and time (UTC) the user was last updated.
Validated: (bit) The user's email address has been validated.
Pending: (bit) The user's email address is pending validation.
Active: (bit) The user's email address is active.
ApiEnabled: (bit) Enables access to the Server API.
ApiKey: (nvarchar) User's API key. Used to access both the admin and user API. Admin access requires the user to be a Curator.
ApiSecret: (nvarchar) Encrypted API secret. Used to access both the admin and user API. Admin access requires the user to be a Curator. (Change: Schema and values haven't changed just the usage and description.)
NumFailedLogins: (int) Count of failed login attempts.
AccountLocked: (bit) Flag for locked account.
AccountLockedAt: (datetime) Date and time (UTC) account was locked.
SubscriptionId: (nvarchar) User's subscription ID.
ExpDate: (datetime) Date and time (UTC) the user's account expires (only applies to the Alteryx Public Gallery at Community Gallery).
LastLoginDate: (datetime) Date and time (UTC) of the user's last login.
IsPasswordMigrated (bit) Whether the User’s password is migrated to latest encryption.
CanSchedule: (bit) User permission flag for scheduling workflows.
CanSetPriority: (bit) User permission flag for setting workflow priority.
CanSetWorkerTag: (bit) User permission flag for setting a worker tag.
Timezone: (nvarchar) User's selected time zone.
CanCreateCollections: (bit) User permission flag for creating collections.
IsDeleted: (bit) Flag to indicate if the user record has been deleted.
DeletedById: (nvarchar) ID of the user that deleted the user record.
DeletedDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the user was deleted.
DefaultWorkerTag: (nvarchar) User's default worker tag.
Language: (nvarchar) User's preferred language/locale.
CanCreateAndUpdateDcm (bit) User permission flag for creating and updating DCM objects.
CanShareForCollaborationDcm (bit) User permission flag for sharing DCM connections for collaboration.
CanShareForExecutionDcm (bit) User permission flag for sharing DCM connections for execution.
CanManageGenericVaultsDcm (bit) User permission flag for managing generic external vaults in DCM.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Email: (nvarchar) The email of the subject User record.
Name: (nvarchar) The name of the subject User record.
DateAdded: (datetime) The date and time the subject User record was created.
Role: (nvarchar) The Server Role of the subject User record.
Active: (bit) Whether the subject User record is marked as Active.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Sid: (nvarchar) Group SID (security identifier).
DisplayName: (nvarchar) Group display name.
Name: (nvarchar) Group name in
format.SamAccountName: (nvarchar) Sam account name.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
UserId: (nvarchar) User ID.
Id: (nvarchar) The identifier of the record.
Message: (nvarchar) The message displayed for the notification.
CreatedDate: (datetime) Date and time the notification was created.
Category: (nvarchar) The category of the notification.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the notification is enabled or disabled.
IsUnread: (bit) Whether the notification is unread or read.
NotificationListId: (nvarchar) Relationship foreign key to a NotificationList record.