支持 Server 的平台包括:台式计算机、独立服务器和虚拟机环境,最低要求如下。
每个 Server 节点的最低要求 | 每个 Server 节点的生产环境部署建议(多节点环境)* | |
CPU | Intel 或 AMD x86-64(64 位) | Intel Xeon E、Xeon W、AMD EPYC 7xx2、AMD Threadripper 或性能更强 |
CPU 核心数** | 每个节点 4 个核心(8 个逻辑核心) 环境示例:
| 每个节点 8+ 个核心(16+ 个逻辑核心) 环境示例:
系统内存 | 16 GB | 32+ GB |
建议的最小磁盘大小 | 500 GB | 1+ TB SSD |
*企业生产部署因使用案例而异。要获得有关评估硬件规模调整需求的帮助,请与您的 Alteryx 代表联系。请参阅本白皮书和我们的配置页,了解更多信息。
** 此表格假定 1 个物理核心等于 2 个逻辑核心。如需了解详情,请参阅我们的许可定义页面。
Server minimum hardware requirements are defined as the minimum hardware needed to run a stable installation of Alteryx Server. If you don't meet minimum requirements, it puts you at risk of having poor performance and/or having the service shut itself down on any node where the engine runs.
The following minimum hardware requirements are recommended for desired number of concurrent workflows:

Note that the green highlighted line is the minimum recommended configuration. The line showing information for 1 concurrent workflow is helpful for you to understand how much you need to increase resources to add 1 additional job to the existing configuration.
Server optimal performance hardware recommendations are defined as the sweet spot in hardware where Server can complete workflows as efficiently as possible. This is useful to eliminate congestion on busy systems.
The following hardware recommendations are recommended for optimal performance:

*Logical cores are either vCPUs or logical cores within a physical core. The standardization to refer to logical cores is a way of comparing consistently across both physical on-prem servers and virtual servers in the cloud.
Windows Server 2012 不再受支持
从 Server 2023.2 版本起,Alteryx 不再支持 Windows Server 2012,因为 Microsoft 对它的支持已终止。如需了解详情,请参阅 Windows Server 2012 和 2012 R2 即将终止支持。
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 64 位或更新版本
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 或更高版本
安装“预测”工具以在 Server 上运行使用“预测”工具的工作流。
禁用 FIPS 模式。
The Persistence or Database Layer can be implemented using either a user-managed MongoDB or MSSQL database. Alteryx provides a default MongoDB with its Server products, located on the Controller node and referred to as Embedded MongoDB.
While Embedded MongoDB is often sufficient, a properly implemented user-managed database can offer performance and reliability improvements. However, a user-managed database requires the organization to invest significantly in skills and resources to implement, maintain, and support it.
With Embedded MongoDB, Alteryx provides a pre-tested, reliable database configuration with full visibility and support. In contrast, a user-managed database requires the user to handle all aspects of database setup, management, configuration, and, importantly, troubleshooting.
Alteryx can advise on user-managed databases that are compatible with Alteryx Server. However, the organization is responsible for managing the database, including having an available and knowledgeable administrator to troubleshoot any issues. Alteryx has no access to the logs or files of user-managed databases, which are essential for diagnosing issues in Embedded MongoDB.
Additionally, it is the responsibility of the user-managed database to be tuned and optimized to meet the performance needs of the Alteryx application.
Server configuration requires MongoDB. For more information about MongoDB versions, go to MongoDB Schema Reference.
Embedded MongoDB:
If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2021.3.6, you must start with a version of Server that uses MongoDB 4.0 before you upgrade to 2021.3.6 version or higher. Versions of Server that use embedded MongoDB include 2019.3 through 2021.3.5.
For embedded MongoDB, the host, username, and password are automatically generated.
User-Managed MongoDB:
Server supports MongoDB versions 4.2, 4.4, 5.0, 6.0, and 7.0 for user-managed instances.
For user-managed MongoDB, specify the host, username, and password from your MongoDB instance.
If you were previously using SQLite for Alteryx Scheduler, jobs have to be manually re-scheduled when switching to MongoDB.
For more information, visit the MongoDB Schema Reference help page.
Currently, the only officially supported version of SQL is MSSQL Server 2019 and 2022, as well as Amazon RDS for SQL Server. Your SQL database administrator can determine the appropriate MSSQL Server edition and sizing for your database, whether Standard or Enterprise.
You must have an MSSQL Server instance hosted and network accessible from your Alteryx Server controllers.
We recommend using a separate SQL database for AlteryxGallery / AlteryxService to access.
The SQL DB access user needs full control (admin level ) for any SQL DBs Alteryx Server will be using.
The version of Server you are upgrading to 2024.1 from must be 2022.1+ GA or 2022.3+ FIPS.
If you use built-in authentication and you upgrade from a version lower than 2022.1, you need to reset your password due to security improvements. If you didn't reset your password in version 2022.1, you need to have SMTP enabled. This is so users can reset their password via the forgot password functionality or so that an admin can trigger password resets for all users via the UI or API. For more information on how to reset your Server password after an upgrade to 2022.1, visit the Reset a User's Server Password help page.
You must install SQL Server drivers. For more information, go to Mongo to SQL Migration Guide.
Optional: Access to SQL Server Management Studio.
This allows you to view/access database data manually, so you can verify and validate the state of your data without having to go into your Server.
For more information on how to migrate from MongoDB to SQL DB, go to Mongo to SQL Migration Guide.
这些是 Server 使用的默认端口。如有必要,您可以自定义 Server 端口。
公共 | |
80 | AlteryxService、Non-SSL/TLS AlteryxServerHost (webserver) 和 AlteryxAuthHost(身份验证服务) |
443 | 具有 SSL/TLS 的 AlteryxServerHost (webserver) 和 AlteryxAuthHost(身份验证服务) |
27018 | 嵌入式 MongoDB |
仅限环回 | |
5562 | AlteryxMetrics |
8700-8799 | 用在“洞察”中的 Python |
管理员权限 | 要安装 Server,必须具有对主机服务器操作系统的管理员访问权限,或者对服务器硬件的实体访问权限。 |
Active Directory 读取访问权限 | 如果您计划使用集成 Windows 身份验证,则需要具有 Active Directory 的读取访问权限。请访问 Server Authentication(Server 身份验证)帮助页面,以详细了解身份验证选项。 |
对 Alteryx 许可系统的访问权限 | 确保计算机可以访问 Alteryx 许可系统所使用的网域 whitelist.alteryx.com。 |
文件共享访问权限 | 具有对文件共享的读取和写入权限。 |
Alteryx 管理员用户 | Server 管理员可以管理用户和工作流。为 Server 配置身份验证时将指定默认的 Server 管理员。如需详细了解如何指定默认 Server 管理员,请访问 Server 身份验证帮助页面。 |
Run As(运行身份) | 在具有限制性权限策略的安全强化的服务器环境中,您可能需要启用 Windows Server 安全权限以支持 Run As(运行身份)凭证。配置必要的 Run As 用户权限。 |
基址:基址是用户用于访问 Server 的 URL,URL 默认为 http://localhost/gallery/,您可以使用该 URL 在本地运行 Server。
SMTP Server:关于 Server 的邮件通知需要 SMTP 主机信息。通知和账户验证通过电子邮件进行管理。