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UI Index

Use the links below to access the reference pages for the Trifacta Application user interface.For more information on UI pages that apply to administrators, see Admin Reference.




Home Page

From the Home page, you can create or access your flows, datasets, and jobs, as well as configure settings and find additional resources.

Flows Page

The Flows page displays the flows to which you have access and lets you create, review, and manage them. A flow is an object for bringing together and organizing the datasets, recipes, and other objects that you use to generate your results.

Transformer Page

In the Transformer page, you identify the data that you need to transform and build your transformation recipes on samples taken from your currently selected dataset.



Download Logs Dialog

You can download logs for your current session in Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition. From the Resources menu, select Download logs.


Flows Page



Create Flow Page

You can use flows to organize your datasets and to track the jobs associated with them.

Flow View Page

In Flow View, you can access and manage the objects that you have added to or created in the selected flow. You can perform a variety of actions to effectively manage flow development and job execution through a single page in the Trifacta Application.

Flow View

Flow View Page



View for Connections

In Flow View, you can review the details of the connections used to access the flow's imported datasets, whether you created it or it was shared with you.

View for Imported Datasets

When you select an imported dataset in Flow View, you can review its details in the context panel and select options from its context menu.

View for Dataset with Parameters

When you select a dataset with parameters in Flow View, additional options are available in its context menu and the Details panel.

View for Recipes

For each recipe in Flow View, you can review or edit its steps or create new recipes altogether. You can also create references to the recipe, modify outputs, and create new recipes off of the recipe.

View for Reference Datasets

A reference dataset is a reference to a recipe's output, which can been added to a flow other than the one where the recipe is located.

View for Unstructured Datasets

An unstructured dataset is an imported dataset that does not contain any initial parsing steps. All parsing steps must be added through recipes that are applied to the dataset. During the import process, you disable the initial steps that are applied to imported datasets. Instead, these steps are added as the first steps of the auto-generated recipe that appears with the dataset in Flow View.

View for Outputs

Associated with each recipe is one or more outputs. These publishing destinations can be configured through the context panel in Flow View. Through outputs, you can execute and track jobs for the related recipe.

Share Flow Dialog

You can manage access to a flow for other users through the Share Flow dialog. In Flow View, select Share from the context menu.

Change Dataset Dialog

Through the Flow View page, you can change the source that is used for your dataset. In this manner, you can apply the same recipe across datasets with the same schema. When the source dataset has been changed, a new sample is automatically generated for you.

Manage Flow Notifications Dialog

When email notifications are enabled, flow owners and collaborators can configure the delivery of emails to interested stakeholders based on the success or failure of jobs executed within this flow. From the flow menu, select Email notifications.

Manage Parameters Dialog

Within a flow, you can create and manage flow parameters, including specifying override values. From the flow menu, select Parameters.

Flow Search Panel

You can search for objects within your flow. In Flow View, click the Magnifying Glass icon at the top of the page.

Flow Optimization Settings Dialog

In the Flow Optimization Settings dialog, you can configure the following settings, which provide finer-grained control and performance tuning over your flow and its job executions. From the Flow View menu, select Optimization settings.



Library Page



Imported Datasets Page

Youcan review the imported datasets that you own or have been shared with you.

Dataset Details Page

Use the Dataset Details page to review a dataset's usage and to perform management tasks on it.

Import Data Page

Through the Import Data page, you can upload datasets or select datasets from sources that are stored on connected datastores. From the Library page, click Import Data.

Reference Page

A reference dataset is a link to a recipe's output, which can been added to other flows.

Macros Page

In the Macros page, you can review and manage the macros to which you have access.

Import Data Page



Database Browser

The database browser enables you to interact with databases that are connected to the Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta platform.

File System Browser

In the Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta platform, the file system browser lets you browse, select, and filter the sources that you can access through the datastore to which you are connected. You also use the browser to select targets for publishing job results.

HDFS Browser

The HDFS browser enables you to browse, select, and filter the files to which you have access in the Hadoop cluster to which Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta Enterprise Edition is connected.

S3 Browser

In the Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta platform, the S3 browser lets you browse, select, and filter the sources that you can access through S3. You also use the browser to select targets for publishing job results.

File Import Settings

When you edit settings on a selected file in the Import Data page, the following settings are displayed.

Table Import Settings

When you edit settings for a selected table in the Import Data page, the following settings are displayed.

Macros Page



Macro Details Page

Through the Macro Details Page, you can review details about an individual macro. In the Macros page, click the name of the macro to review.



Transformer Page



Data Grid Panel

The data grid in the Transformer Page displays how your current recipe applies to the data in your currently selected sample.

Recipe Navigator

Through the Recipe Navigator, you can locate and open any recipe from the current flow in the Transformer page. To open the Recipe Navigator, select the drop-down next to the name of the current recipe in the Transformer page.

Sample Indicator

At the top of the Transformer page, you can see the Sample Indicator showing the name of the currently displayed sample. If you have not taken a sample, this value is Initial data. Click this button to show more information about the sample.

Transformer Toolbar

At the top of the data grid and the column browser, the Transformer toolbar provides quick access to common transformations.

Column Menus

You can use the menus available in a column context menu to perform a variety of actions on the column or columns.

Column Browser Panel

Through the Column Browser, you can use data quality bars and data type information to perform basic review of data across many columns. You can use these tools to select data of interest for display in the data grid or Column Details views or to prompt for suggestions of recipe steps.

Column Details Panel

In the Column Details panel, you can review additional details about a column of your dataset. Select Column Details from any column menu or the Action menu in the column browser.

Transform Preview

When you create or edit a transform, the data grid displays a preview of results of the transform. Transform previews assist in specifying and validating the transformation steps before they are applied.

Context Panel

On the right side of the Transformer page, the context panel displays one of multiple panels, depending on the current state or selection of the data grid.

Filter Panel

As needed, you can filter the rows and columns displayed in the data grid. To review and apply filters, click the Filter icon in the Transformer toolbar.

Visible Columns Panel

In the status bar of the Transformer page, click the Eye icon to review the list of visible and hidden columns.

Join Window

In the Join window of the Trifacta Application, you can join your current dataset with another dataset or recipe based upon information that is common to both datasets.

Union Page

In the Union page, you can append data from one or more datasets to an existing dataset.

Run Job Page

In the Run Job page, you can specify transformation and profiling jobs for the currently loaded recipe. Available options include output formats and output destinations.

Data Grid Panel



Column Histograms

The bar chart at the top of each column in the Transformer page, called a histogram, characterizes the data in that column. Each column histogram displays the count of each detected value in the column (for string data) or the count of values within a numeric range (for number data).

Data Quality Bars

Just below the column name in the data grid is a horizontal band, which identifies data quality issues among the sample values in the column.

Lookup Wizard

Through the Transformer page, you can perform lookups from one set of values in your dataset into another set of values in another dataset using a simple wizard. To perform a lookup, select the caret next to a column title, and then select Lookup....

Standardize Page

Through the Standardize page, you can review similar column values and standardize them to values that you specify.

Column Menus



Choose Datetime Format Dialog

In the Datetime Format dialog, you can specify or locate the format that you'd like to use for validation of the values in the current column against the Datetime data type.

Transformation by Example Page

In the Transform by Example page, you can build new columns of data by specifying values to map from the selected source column. For the column to transform, select Create column by examples from the column menu.

Context Panel



Recipe Panel

Through the Recipe panel, you can review and modify the steps of the recipe that you have already created and add new steps to your recipe at the current location. You can also flag a step that requires review without which jobs cannot be run.

Transform Builder

The Transform Builder enables you to search for transformations and to rapidly assemble complete transform steps through a simple menu-driven interface.

Search Panel

Through the search context panel, you can locate transformations to specify and add at the current location in your recipe.

Edit History Panel

Through the Edit History panel, you can review the sequence of edits to the current recipe by individual contributors. This panel assists in determining who made which changes and when they were made.

Samples Panel

For smaller datasets, the Transformer page displays the entire dataset. For larger ones, the source data is sampled for use in the Transformer page. Through the Samples panel, you can create new samples and select them for display in the Transformer page.

Selection Details Panel

In the Selection Details panel, you can review an active profile of your current selection or selections in the data grid or column browser and review patterns and suggestions for transformations.


Preferences Page



User Profile Page

In your user profile, you can review your personal information and update your photo. Select User menu > Preferences.

Account Settings Page

In your Account Settings page, you can change your locale and modify other settings related to your account.

Email Notifications Page

You can configure the notifications that are sent to your email address and other related settings.

Sessions Page

The Sessions page enables you to view the number of devices signed into your account. You can use this information to make sure no one else has signed in to your account. You can review the devices that are authorized and revoke any unfamiliar devices.

Access Tokens Page

From the Access Token page, you can generate and manage access tokens that apply to your account. Access tokens can be used when accessing the REST APIs.

Databricks Settings Page

To access a Databricks cluster for running jobs, each user of the Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta platform must insert their personal access token into their profile. This configuration enables the user to authenticate to a connected Databricks cluster.

User Profile Page



Storage Config Page

The Storage Config page allows you to configure storage locations for where you upload datasets and generate results.

Connections Page



Create Connection Window

Through the Create Connection window, you can create and edit connections between the Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta platform and remote storage.

Share Connection Dialog

Through the Share Connection dialog, users of the selected connection with appropriate privileges can modify who has access to the connection.