Use Allocate Input to pick geographies and data variables from any Allocate dataset installed on your system. The most recent dataset used in Allocate is always the default dataset that opens within this tool.
Choose a Dataset: Use the dropdown list to select an installed Allocate dataset. You can specify the default dataset from User Settings. Go to Options > User Settings > Edit User Settings and select the Tools tab. Next, use the Dataset Defaults section to make your selections.
(Optional) Read in an existing Allocate Workspace (*.aws) file:
Select the Use Allocate Workspace checkbox.
Select Import to navigate to the workspace file.
Select a file and select Open. Alteryx reads the file and makes the appropriate variable and geography selections.
Pick Geography Tab: The selection box on the Pick Geography tab lists all of the standard geography types available.
Expand the geography trees to reveal the desired geographies.
Check the box to select the appropriate geographies.
Pick Variables Tab: The selection box on the Pick Variables tab lists all of the data variables in the selected Dataset.
Expand the variable trees to reveal the data to append. Check the box to select the appropriate variables.
To view variable names alongside their descriptions, right-click on the description, select Show Field Names,and the field names appear to the right of the description.
Special Fields Tab: Use the checkboxes to return any of the following additional fields:
Spatial Object field: Returns the Spatial Object (Polygon) of the selected geography. The Spatial Object is necessary for downstream spatial processing or for map creation.
Raw Key Field: Returns the Raw Key for the selected geography. For many geography types, the RawKey is identical to the Key. For any geography that has a classification 'by State' or 'by County,' the RawKey contains a concatenated key of both geographies.
State Name | State Key | County Name | County Key | ZIP Codes by County | Key | RawKey |
New Jersey | 34 | Monmouth | 34025 | 08736 Manasquan | 08736 | 3402508736 |
New Jersey | 34 | Ocean | 34029 | 08742 Point Pleasant Beach | 08742 | 3402908742 |
When specifying the Geography Type in an Allocate Append tool, you should ensure to use the RawKey when specifying any geography type that is 'by State' or 'by County.'
Geography Short Name: Returns the Short Name of the selected geography. The Short Name is how Allocate refers to the type of geography chosen. This field is useful for updating geographies in an Analytic App or Macro and for creating reports with mixed geographies.
Geography | ShortName |
Block Groups | BG |
CCDs/MCDs by County | MCDbyCNTY |
Census Tracts | TR |
Congressional Districts | CONG_DIST |
Counties | County |
DMAs by State | DMAbySt |
Entire US | FullUS |
Places | PLACES |
Sectional Centers | SC |
States | State |
ZIP Codes | ZIP |
ZIP Codes by County | ZipByCN |
ZIP Codes by DMA | ZipByDma |