If you are new to APIs, visit the Get Started with APIs help page.
Starting with the 22.1 release, we removed our legacy public OAuth1 API endpoints because they require non-FIPS compliant SHA1 hashing. This removal includes the legacy WCF (Windows Communication Framework) endpoints, Swagger for these legacy endpoints, and OAuth1 middleware. To replace the OAuth1 endpoints, you can use the OAuth2 versions of the legacy APIs released in 21.4 which are FIPS compliant. You will experience the same functionality with the OAuth2 APIs as you did with the OAuth1 APIs.
Subscription, V1, and V2 endpoints will continue to be supported under OAuth2.
To find out more about the conversion and its impact, visit the OAuth1 to OAuth2 Instructions help page or Conversion Instructions.
The Server API is made up of 6 APIs:
Subscription API: Endpoints for users to interact with subscriptions, workflows, and schedules (jobs).
User V2 API: Endpoints for users to interact with credentials, input files, and schedules (jobs).
Admin V1 API: Endpoints for admins to fetch resources from the Admin interface.
Admin V2 API: Version 2 of the endpoints for admins to fetch resources from the Admin interface.
Admin V3 API: Version 3 of the endpoints for admins. This version uses OAuth 2.
User V3 API: Version 3 of the endpoints for users. This version uses OAuth 2.
In addition to adding new functionality with V3 API endpoints, we’ve also made our V1, subscription, and V2 endpoints available for use with OAuth 2. The same endpoints you have used in the past are now available for OAuth 2 at a new base address.
The Web API Address can be set up only for V1, V2, and V3 using the OAuth 2.

For the legacy endpoints using the OAuth1 (V1 and V2 API documentation), the address is http://{ServerHostname}/gallery/api-docs/.
The complete reference documentation for all Server API endpoints is available in Swagger.
There are 2 places in the Server UI where you can access the Server API Reference documentation.
Select the question mark icon in the top toolbar and select API Documentation.
Select your username and select My Profile > Keys. You can find links to the API documentation next to the API keys.
You can also access the API reference documentation for the Server API using this URL: http(s)://serverhostname.domain/webapi/swagger
. Serverhostname is the URL to your Server instance.
The Server API docs are interactive, allowing you to populate parameters and see the responses. To make use of the interactivity, you have to authenticate. To do so, follow these steps:
In the Server UI, select your username and select My Profile > Keys. Copy the API keys for the API you want to authenticate to and paste them in the API Key and Shared Secret fields. The keys will show as Saved.
Select the call you want to run, populate the parameters, and select Try it out.
Curators (Server admins) have to allow users access to the API. Visit Allow User Access to the Server API for more info. Once you have granted user access to the API, users can find their API keys on the Keys tab of the My Profile page. To access your API keys, select your username and select My Profile > Keys.

Users with the Curator role can use the API Access keys to access all APIs.
All non-Curator users can use the API Access keys to access the Subscription API, User V2 API, and User V3 API.
To construct an API endpoint use this schema: {Server domain name or alias}/webapi/{endpoint}. For example, if the base address in system settings is https://my.server.tld/gallery you have to prepend each endpoint in the API documentation with https://my.server.tld/webapi.
Server API that uses the OAuth 1.0a standard for authentication has been deprecated post version 2021.4. For more information about this change, see the Important section at the top of this page.
You can write a script using the OAuth2 method:
Send API Key and Secret to
http://[Server host name]/webapi/oauth2/token
to get access token.Send the access token requesting the API endpoint you want to get resources from.
The script depends on the programming language you use (for example, cURL, Python, and so on).
To get an access token, send API Key and Secret to
http://[Server host name]/webapi/oauth2/token
. See the OAuth2 Web Application Flow in the Python Requests-Oauthlib documentation.Use the access token returned in the previous step to send the request for resource to the desired API endpoint.
Here is an example of a request to get Server job details from the /v1/jobs/{id}
import requests
url = "<http://[server_domain_name]/webapi/v1/jobs/[job ID]?includeMessages=<boolean>>"
payload = {}
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer [access token]'
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
For more information on how to authenticate using OAuth2, see the Server API Configuration and Authorization help page.
For Server API that uses the OAuth 1.0a standard for authentication, the Server API only requires the signature generation, sometimes called a 1-legged flow, rather than the full, 3-legged OAuth 1.0a flow. See the Signing Process section of the OAuth 1.0a specification for information.
Use a 3rd-party signature generation code that uses the OAuth 1.0a standard to generate these tokens that are required in every API call. Any additional parameters starting with oauth_ are ignored.
oauth_consumer_key="{consumer key}"
(optional) oauth_version="1.0"
For enhanced security, we recommend that you send OAuth parameters as headers. Here is an example of a signed cURL request with all the generated tokens passed in an authorization header.
curl --location --request POST 'http:{yourhostname}/api/user/v2/workflows' \
--header 'Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="{consumer key}",
oauth_nonce="{nonce}"' \
You can reference a fully-functional sample Server client in C# or JavaScript.
In this section you'll find more information about the following endpoints:
Server tracks changes to these system entities:
AppInfo (Workflow)
Any updates to these entities triggers the creation of an AuditEvent record. You can return these records via a public Admin API endpoint.
Audit logs are triggered by the following type of operations (events): Update, Insert, and Delete.
The endpoint for AuditEvents is GET /admin/v1/auditlog/
: (string) the audit log entity you want to query.page
: (int) The page you want to return.pageSize
: (int) The number of records you want to return on each page.
The response will be an array of Audit Event records:
"id": "",
"entity": "",
"entityId": "",
"userId": "",
"timestamp": "Date",
"event": "",
"oldValues": "",
"newValues": ""
The returned properties are defined below:
: The Audit Event ID.entity
: The name of the entity.entityId
: The entity ID of the entity.userId
: The ID of the user who modified the entity.timestamp
: Date and Time of when the Audit Event record was created.event
: The event which occurred (insert, update, delete).oldValues
: The values of the updated properties prior to the update occurring.newValues
: The values of the updated properties after the update has occurred.
To run workflows that use theFile Browse toolvia the API, use the/user/v2/inputfiles
endpoint to upload the file.
Start by making a multipart/form-data POST request to the
endpoint to publish a temporary file. The name of the required form-data section isinputFile
.curl --location --request POST 'http:{yourhostname}/api/user/v2/inputfiles/' \ --form 'inputFile=@/file/path/filename.csv'
Next, make a POST to the
endpoint.Then include the
of the File Browse tool in the question object. If you are unsure of the File Browse tool's name, use the/v1/workflows/{appId}/questions
endpoint to get your File Browse tool's name.The
is the reference ID that your input file's call returned in the response.
curl --location --request POST 'http:{yourhostname}/api/user/v2/workflows/{appId}/jobs' \ --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \ --header 'Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="{consumer key}", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="{timestamp}", oauth_nonce="{nonce}", oauth_signature="{signature}"' \ --data-raw '{ "questions": [ { "name": "File Browse", "value": "{reference ID}" } ] "priority": "Low" }'
Use the migratable
endpoint to migrate workflows across Server environments. You can use this to manage workflow deployments during development and testing phases.
To begin, you have to enable workflows for migration. Once you mark workflows for migration, follow these steps to publish them from the source environment into the appropriate subscription (studio) of a target environment.
Next, get a list of workflows ready to migrate using the following endpoint:
Environment: Source
Method: GET
Include a comma-separated list of subscriptionIds
as a query parameter. Subscription IDs identify a specific studio.
The return is an array of workflows marked as ready to migrate under the specified subscription (studio). If you do not provide subscriptionsIds
, the return includes all workflows marked as ready to migrate. The return includes 3 properties: appId
, the currently published revisionId
, and the subscriptionID
the workflow belongs to.
The following endpoint downloads the workflow as a YXZP file.
Environment: Source
Method: GET
Include an appID
as a path parameter. The return will be a download of the entire workflow as a package.
The following endpoint publishes the downloaded workflow to the target environment.
Environment: Target
Method: POST
Parameters | |||
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
| The filename of the new workflow. | String | True |
| The new workflow name. | String | True |
| The owner of the migrated workflow. The email address must exist in the target environment. | String | True |
| Flag to validate the workflow upon migrating to the target environment. | Boolean | True |
| Flag to set the workflow to public to show in “My Company’s Gallery” in the target environment. | Boolean | True |
| This is the Source environment appId of the to-be-migrated workflow. If a workflow with the same sourceId exists, this replaces that workflow in the target environment. Otherwise, a new workflow will be generated. (Send an empty string if you do not wish to specify an appID.) | String | True |
| Add a worker tag to the workflow to have a specific worker to run the workflow. (Send an empty string if you do not wish to specify worker.) | String | True |
| Flag to set the workflow as available for download by other users in the target environment. | Boolean | True |
If you want, you can use the migratable
endpoint to toggle the This workflow is ready to be migrated setting on a workflow back to No in the source environment after workflow migration in the target environment.
Environment: Source
Method: PUT
For more information about all Server API endpoints, see the Server APIs overview.
For more information about the Server API V3 endpoints and parameters, visit the Alteryx Server API V3 help page.
Find the list of all released Server APIs in the table below. If an API is available to users, it is therefore available to admins.
Section | API Endpoint | Version | Admin Release Build | User Release Build | Description | |
1 | Audit Logs | GET /admin/v1/auditlog | v1 | 9.1 | Retrieve audit log entries for a given entity type | |
2 | Collections | GET /v3/collections | v3 | 2021.4 | Retrieve all accessible collection records | |
3 | Collections | POST /v3/collections | v3 | 2021.4 | Create a new collection | |
4 | Collections | DELETE /v3/collections/{collectionId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Delete a collection | |
5 | Collections | GET /v3/collections/{collectionId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Retrieve a collection record | |
6 | Collections | PUT /v3/collections/{collectionId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Update an existing collection to change the name or owner | |
7 | Collections | PUT /v3/collections/{collectionId}/users/ {userId}/permissions | v3 | 2021.4 | Update a collection users permissions | |
8 | Collections | PUT /v3/collections/{collectionId}/userGroups/ {userGroupId}/permissions | v3 | 2021.4 | Update a collection userGroups permissions | |
9 | Collections | POST /v3/collections/{collectionId}/users | v3 | 2021.4 | Add a user to a collection | |
10 | Collections | POST /v3/collections/{collectionId}/insights | v3 | 2021.4 | Add an insight to a collection | |
11 | Collections | POST /v3/collections/{collectionId}/schedules | v3 | 2021.4 | Add a schedule to a collection | |
12 | Collections | POST /v3/collections/{collectionId}/workflows | v3 | 2021.4 | Add a workflow to a collection | |
13 | Collections | POST /v3/collections/{collectionId}/userGroups | v3 | 2021.4 | Add a userGroup to a collection | |
14 | Collections | DELETE /v3/collections/{collectionId}/users/{userId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Remove a user from a collection | |
15 | Collections | DELETE /v3/collections/{collectionId}/workflows/{appId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Remove a workflow from a collection | |
16 | Collections | DELETE /v3/collections/{collectionId}/insights/{insightId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Remove an insight from a collection | |
17 | Collections | DELETE /v3/collections/{collectionId}/ schedules/{scheduleId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Remove a schedule from a collection | |
18 | Collections | DELETE /v3/collections/{collectionId}/ userGroups/{userGroupId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Remove a userGroup from a collection | |
19 | Collections | GET /admin/v1/collections | v1 | 9.1 | Find collections in a Gallery | |
20 | Credentials | GET /v3/credentials/{credentialId} | v3 | 2021.4 | 2022.3 | Retrieve a credential record |
21 | Credentials | GET /v3/credentials | v3 | 2021.4 | 2022.3 | Retrieve credential records |
22 | Credentials | DELETE /v3/credentials/{credentialId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Delete a credential | |
23 | Credentials | POST /v3/credentials/{credentialId}/users | v3 | 2021.4 | Share a credential with a user | |
24 | Credentials | POST /v3/credentials/{credentialId}/userGroups | v3 | 2021.4 | Share a credential with a userGroup | |
25 | Credentials | DELETE /v3/credentials/{credentialId}/users/{userId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Removes a user from a credential | |
26 | Credentials | DELETE /v3/credentials/{credentialId}/ userGroups/{userGroupId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Removesa userGroup from a credential | |
27 | Credentials | GET /user/v2/credentials | v2 | 11.3 | Find credentials shared directly with users or via a sub | |
28 | DCMEConnections | GET /v3/DCMEConnections/{connectionId} | v3 | 2022.1 | Retrieve a DCM.E connection | |
29 | Insights | GET /admin/v2/insights | v2 | 11.3 | Find insights in a Gallery | |
30 | Insights | GET /admin/v1/insights | v1 | 9.1 | Find insights in a Gallery | |
31 | Jobs | GET /v3/jobs/id | v3 | 2022.3 | 2022.3 | Retrieve the job and its current state |
32 | Jobs | POST /user/v2/workflows/{appId}/jobs 注記 If the workflow was published with a Credential, a Shared Credential must be explicitly applied in the API call. | v2 | 11.3 | 11.3 | Create a new job and adds it to the job execution queue |
33 | Jobs | GET /v1/jobs/{id}/output/{outputId} | v1 | 9.1 | 9.1 | Get output for a given job |
34 | Jobs | GET /v1/jobs/{id} | v1 | 9.1 | 9.1 | Retrieve the job and its current state |
35 | Jobs | GET /v1/workflows/{appId}/jobs | v1 | 9.1 | 9.1 | Return the jobs for the given Alteryx Analytics App |
36 | Jobs | POST /v1/workflows/{appId}/jobs 注記 Use POST /user/v2/workflows/{appId}/jobs if the workflow needs a Credential to run. | v1 | 9.1 | 9.1 | Queue a job execution for the specified workflow with the supplied answers |
37 | Jobs | GET /admin/v1/workflows/jobs | v1 | 9.1 | Return the last run job and its current state for workflows | |
38 | Schedules | DELETE /v3/schedules/{id} | v3 | 2021.4 | Delete a schedule | |
39 | Schedules | GET /v3/schedules/{id} | v3 | 2021.4 | Get information for a specific schedule | |
40 | Schedules | PUT /v3/schedules/{id} | v3 | 2021.4 | Update an existing schedule | |
41 | Schedules | GET /v3/schedules | v3 | 2021.4 | Get all schedules | |
42 | Schedules | POST /v3/schedules | v3 | 2021.4 | Create a new schedule | |
43 | Schedules | GET /admin/v2/schedule/forecast | v2 | 11.3 | Forecast all future run jobs for the given time period | |
44 | Schedules | GET /admin/v1/schedules | v1 | 9.1 | Find schedules in a Gallery | |
45 | Server Connections | GET /v3/serverDataConnections | v3 | 2021.4 | Retrieve all Server data connection records | |
46 | Server Connections | DELETE /v3/serverDataConnections/{dataConnectionId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Delete a Server data connection | |
47 | Server Connections | GET /v3/serverDataConnections/ {dataConnectionId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Retrieve a Server data connection record | |
48 | Server Connections | PUT /v3/serverDataConnections/ {dataConnectionId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Update an existing Server data connection to change the connection name | |
49 | Server Connections | POST /v3/serverDataConnections/ {dataConnectionId}/users | v3 | 2021.4 | Add a user to an existing Server data connection | |
50 | Server Connections | POST /v3/serverDataConnections/ {dataConnectionId}/userGroups | v3 | 2021.4 | Add a userGroup to an existing Server data connection | |
51 | Server Connections | DELETE /v3/serverDataConnections/ {dataConnectionId}/users/{userId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Remove a user from an existing Server data connection | |
52 | Server Connections | DELETE /v3/serverDataConnections/ {dataConnectionId}/userGroups/{userGroupId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Remove a userGroup from an existing Server data connection | |
53 | Server Connections | GET /admin/v1/serverdataconnections | v1 | 9.1 | Return data connections created in a private Gallery | |
54 | Subscriptions | GET /admin/v2/subscriptions | v2 | 11.3 | Find subscriptions in a Gallery | |
55 | Subscriptions | GET /admin/v1/subscriptions | v1 | 9.1 | Find subscriptions in a Gallery | |
56 | System Alias | GET /admin/v1/systemdataconnections | v1 | 9.1 | Return system data connections created on the server where Alteryx Server is installed | |
57 | User Groups | GET /v3/usergroups | v3 | 2021.4 | Get all Customer userGroups | |
58 | User Groups | POST /v3/usergroups | v3 | 2021.4 | Create a new Custom userGroup | |
59 | User Groups | DELETE /v3/usergroups/{id} | v3 | 2021.4 | Delete a Custom userGroup from the system | |
60 | User Groups | GET /v3/usergroups/{id} | v3 | 2021.4 | Retrieve a Custom userGroup | |
61 | User Groups | PUT /v3/usergroups/{id} | v3 | 2021.4 | Update a userGroup’s name and role | |
62 | User Groups | POST /v3/usergroups/{id}/users | v3 | 2021.4 | Add one or more users to a userGroup | |
63 | User Groups | POST /v3/usergroups/{id}/activedirectorygroups | v3 | 2023.1 | Add an Active Directory group as a member of a Server custom group | |
64 | User Groups | DELETE /v3/usergroups/{userGroupId}/users/{userId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Add an Active Directory group as a member of a Server custom group | |
65 | User Groups | DELETE /v3/usergroups/{userGroupID}/ activedirectorygroups/{adGroupSid} | v3 | 2023.1 | Remove an Active Directory group from being a member of a Server custom group | |
66 | Users | DELETE /v3/users/{id} | v3 | 2021.4 | Delete a user from the system | |
67 | Users | GET /v3/users/{id} | v3 | 2021.4 | Retrieve a user record | |
68 | Users | GET /v3/users/{id}/assets | v3 | 2021.4 | Retrieve a full list of assets that a user owns | |
69 | Users | GET /v3/users | v3 | 2021.4 | Search for user records | |
70 | Users | POST /v3/users | v3 | 2021.4 | Create a new user record | |
71 | Users | POST /v3/users/{id}/deactivate | v3 | 2021.4 | Deactivate a user in the system | |
72 | Users | POST /v3/users/{id}/passwordReset | v3 | 2021.4 | Send a password reset email to the given user | |
73 | Users | PUT /v3/users/{id} | v3 | 2021.4 | Update an existing user | |
74 | Users | GET /admin/v2/users | v2 | 11.3 | Find users in a Gallery | |
75 | Users | GET /admin/v1/users | v1 | 9.1 | Finds users in a Gallery | |
76 | Workflows | GET /v3/workflows/{workflowId} | v3 | 2021.4 | 2022.3 | Retrieve a workflow record |
77 | Workflows | GET /v3/workflows/{workflowId}/package | v3 | 2022.3 | 2022.3 | Download a workflow package |
78 | Workflows | GET /v3/workflows/{workflowId}/questions | v3 | 2022.3 | 2022.3 | Retrieve question information for a workflow |
79 | Workflows | GET /v3/workflows/{workflowId}/jobs | v3 | 2022.3 | 2022.3 | Get a list of jobs for a particular workflow/app |
80 | Workflows | GET /v3/workflows | v3 | 2021.4 | 2022.3 | Retrieve all workflow records |
81 | Workflows | POST /v3/workflows | v3 | 2021.4 | 2022.3 | Upload a new workflow |
82 | Workflows | DELETE /v3/workflows/{workflowId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Delete a specific workflow | |
83 | Workflows | PUT /v3/workflows/{workflowId} | v3 | 2021.4 | Update an existing workflow | |
84 | Workflows | POST /user/v2/inputfiles | v2 | 2020.3 | 2020.3 | Publish a temp file to be used in a subsequent workflow execution |
85 | Workflows | GET /admin/v2/workflows/all | v2 | 11.3 | Return all workflows, optionally filtered by date | |
86 | Workflows | GET /v1/workflows/{appId}/package | v1 | 9.1 | 9.1 | Return the app that was requested |
87 | Workflows | GET /v1/workflows/{appId}/questions | v1 | 9.1 | 9.1 | Get the questions for the given Alteryx Analytics App |
88 | Workflows | GET /v1/workflows/subscription | v1 | 9.1 | 9.1 | Find workflows in a subscription |
89 | Workflows | GET /admin/v1/{appId}/package | v1 | 9.1 | Return the app that was requested | |
90 | Workflows | GET /admin/v1/workflows/migratable | v1 | 9.1 | Find workflows in a Gallery that have been marked ready for migration | |
91 | Workflows | GET /admin/v1/workflows/all | v1 | 9.1 | Return all workflows, optionally filtered by date | |
92 | Workflows | GET /admin/v1/workflows | v1 | 9.1 | Find workflows in a Gallery | |
93 | Workflows | POST /admin/v1/workflows | v1 | 9.1 | Publishe a YXZP to the system | |
94 | Workflows | PUT /admin/v1/workflows/migratable/{appId} | v1 | 9.1 | Update an App’s ready for migration flag | |
95 | Workflows | POST /v3/workflows/{workflowId}/versions | v3 | 2023.1 | 2023.1 | Upload a new version to an existing workflow |