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Workflow Conversion Functions


For a list of supported functions for Standard mode tools, go to the Standard mode Formula Tool documentation.

A conversion function converts one data type or format to another data type or format. For example, use a conversion function to convert numbers to strings or strings to numbers. Conversion functions can be used with String and Number data types.


BinToInt(s): Converts the binary string s to an integer (Limited to 53 bits).


BinToInt(101010101)results in 341.


CharFromInt(x): Returns the Unicode® character that matches the input number x.


CharFromInt(66)returns B (U+0042 'Latin Capital Letter B').

CharFromInt(169)returns © (U+00A9 'copyright sign').

CharFromInt(1071)returns Я (U+042F 'Cyrillic capital letter YA').


(U+1F3C8 'American football').

CharFromInt(0)returns [null] (U+000 'Null') because any integer that cannot be used to represent a character may give a null result.

CharFromInt(55300)returns [null] because any integer that does not currently represent a character will not be rendered by a normal font.


CharToInt(s): Returns the number that matches the input Unicode® character s.


CharToInt("B")returns 66 (U+0042 'Latin Capital Letter B').

CharToInt("©")returns 169 (U+00A9 'copyright sign').

CharToInt("Я")returns 1071 (U+042F 'Cyrillic capital letter YA').


)returns 127944 (U+1F3C8 'American football').


HexToNumber(x): Converts a HEX string to a number (Limited to 53 bits).


HexToNumber(dd)converts to the number 221.


IntToBin(x): Converts x to a binary string.


IntToHex(x): Converts x to a hexadecimal string.


ToNumber(x, [bIgnoreErrors], [keepNulls], [decimalSeparator]): Converts a string (x), to a number. Brackets indicate optional parameters.

ToNumber accepts strings that can be interpreted as scientific notation double precision. By default, the period is used as the decimal separator.

Optional Parameters


  • (default) 0 or false reports conversion error messages.

  • 1 or true ignores conversion errors.


  • (default) 0 or false converts non-numeric values (including null) to zero.

  • 1 or true converts non-numeric values to null.

decimalSeparator: The decimal separator of the incoming string.

  • (default) "." specifies a period as the decimal separator.

  • "," specifies a comma as the decimal separator.

The decimalSeparatorparameter ignores whatever is the designated thousands separator (space, period, comma) of the incoming string.


ToNumber("878")returns the string 878 as a number.

ToNumber("4.256411411E9")returns the string 4256411411 as a number.

ToNumber("Number", "false")returns 0 with conversion error: TONUMBER: Number lost information in conversion.

ToNumber("Number", 0, 0)returns 0 with conversion error: TONUMBER: Number lost information in conversion.

ToNumber("Number", 1, 0)returns 0 with no conversion error.

ToNumber("Number", 1, 1)returns [Null] and no conversion error.

ToNumber("123456,789", 1, 1, ",")returns 123456.789 as a number.

ToNumber("123.456,789", 1, 1, ",")returns 123456.789 as a number. This is because the period is automatically interpreted as the thousands separator, while the comma is specified as the decimal separator via decimalSeparator.


ToString(x, numDec, [addThousandsSeparator], [decimalSeparator]): Converts a numeric parameter (x) to a string that uses numDec decimal places. Default selection uses a period as the decimal separator. Brackets indicate optional parameters.

Optional Parameters


  • (default) 0 formats the numeric string without a thousands separator.

  • 1 formats with a thousands separator. By default, the thousands separator is a comma unless "," is specified for decimalSeparator, in which case the thousands separator is a period.

  • "," specifies a comma as the thousands separator.

  • "." specifies a period as the thousands separator.

  • " " specifies a space as the thousands separator.

  • "'" specifies an apostrophe as the thousands separator.


  • (default) "." specifies the period as the decimal separator.

  • "," specifies the comma as the decimal separator.


ToString(10, 0) returns 10 as a string.

ToString(10.4, 2) returns 10.40 as a string.

ToString(100.4, 2) returns 100.40 as a string.

ToString(1000.4, 2, 1) returns 1,000.40 as a string.

ToString(123456.789, 3, 1, ",") returns 123.456,789 as a string.

ToString(123456.789, 3, 0, ",") returns 123456,789 as a string.

ToString(1234567.89, 2, ".", ",") returns 1.234.567,89 as a string.

ToString(1234567.89, 2, " ", ",") returns 1 234 567,89 as a string.

ToString(1234567.89, 2, "'", ",") returns 1'234'567,89 as a string.