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Single Sign-On (SSO)

You can sign in to Auto Insights using single sign-on (SSO). If you use an identity provider (IdP) or service provider (SP) that supports SAML 2.0, like Azure Active Directory or Okta, we can help you to set up SSO for Auto Insights.

Set Up SSO

  1. Validate that your IdP or SP is compatible with Auto Insights. Auto Insights only supports SAML 2.0, like Azure Active Directory or Okta.

  2. Create a request with Alteryx Support to set up your URL. Provide us with:

    • Your Company Name

    • Your Identity Provider or Service Provider

  3. Use the URL provided by Alteryx Support (for example, https://<region> configure your IdP or SP. Create a SAML application that passes the user's email address to us as the subject. This configuration differs depending on the IdP or SP. For Okta setup instructions, go to this Okta help page. For Azure AD setup instructions, go to this Alteryx Community post.

  4. Once configured, provide Alteryx Support with the:

    • Issuer (for example,

    • IdP or SP entity—We recommend using either https://<region> (for Stand-alone Azure deployments)

    • IdP or SP public certificate

    • IdP or SP sign-in URL

  5. Alteryx Support lets you know when your SSO configuration is complete.

  6. Test to validate that your SSO is working.

If you receive a SAML error:

  • Check that the user is signing in to their IdP or SP with the information created in Auto Insights.

  • Request troubleshooting from Alteryx Support.