Use an Analytic App to execute a workflow of your own data and parameters, without having to build the workflow. Save an app as a .yxwz file to run it in Designer, or upload and run it in the Public Alteryx Community Gallery or a Private Server.
An app consists of a workflow with a user interface created using Interface Tools. Build a workflow, add Interface Tools, and design the interface in the Interface Designer. When you create an app, you are creating the workflow and the interface the app user will use. Go to Interface Tools and Interface Designer Window for more information.
You can create an app from a new or existing workflow. With a new or existing workflow open, select the canvas to view the Workflow Configuration window. Select Workflow, and select Analytic App.
When a workflow is saved as an app or macro, the anchors of tools in the workflow change to lightning-bolt icons. Only Interface Tools can connect to these anchors. This anchor indicates that there are interface elements and actions updating a workflow tool.
To run an app, open it in Designer or select the app icon on your desktop. Each app has a series of questions spread across tabs. The app user must complete the questions and follow the prompts to run the app.
These navigation tools are available to the app user:
The Clear icon clears all user-entered values and returns to default design settings.
The Open icon imports saved app values in a .yxwv extension.
The Save icon saves the app user's selections as an app-values .yxwv file to use for future runs of the same app.
The Run Workflow icon runs the app.
Alternatively, run the workflow by command line. Go to Run Workflows by Command Line for details.
If you find that you reuse many components and configurations in your apps, you might want to create templates to save time. Go to Templates to learn how to save your app as a template.
Apps are included in Alteryx Designer to help you learn how to use and create them. To access apps via Designer, go to Help > Tutorials > Intro to Applications. You can then select from these options:
Understanding a Designer Application
Build an App
Adjust the App Interface
Alternatively, you can explore sample workflows for the Interface Tools via Help > Sample Workflows >Learn one tool at a time > Interface.