Follow these steps to reset your MongoDB credentials on Server.
Follow these steps to reset your MongoDB credentials on Servers using the embedded version of MongoDB.
Stop AlteryxService.
From the command line, navigate to the Alteryx Server installation folder (for example,
D:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin)
.Execute the following command* to update the non-admin password:
alteryxservice setemongopassword={password}
Execute the following command* to update the admin password:
alteryxservice setemongoadminpassword={password}
Start AlteryxService.
*Another option how to reset your MongoDB credentials on Server is going back to your Alteryx System Settings and update values there. For more information, go to Server UI and Controller.
Follow these steps to reset your MongoDB credentials on Servers using the advanced version of MongoDB.
Stop AlteryxService.
Execute the following command* to update the credentials for your DB connection:
Start AlteryxService.
*Another option how to reset your MongoDB credentials on Server is going back to your Alteryx System Settings and update values there. For more information, go to Server UI and Controller.