Use the Barcode tool to generate barcodes from text data or read barcodes from an image.
Alteryx Intelligence Suite Required
This tool is part of Alteryx Intelligence Suite. Intelligence Suite requires a separate license and add-on installer to Designer. After you install Designer, install Intelligence Suite and start your free trial.
If you have Designer 2023.2 or later, the Barcode tool requires additional dependencies to run. Please download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package to add these required dependencies.
Code 128 barcode generation only supports ASCII characters and has a maximum character limit of 253.
If your barcode contains a mix of ASCII and Unicode characters, the Barcode tool might not interpret it correctly.
Type | Generate | Read |
QR Code | Yes | Yes |
Code 128 | Yes | Yes |
Code 39 | No | Yes |
UPCA | No | Yes |
EAN-8 | No | Yes |
EAN-13 | No | Yes |
EAN-14 | No | Yes |
ISBN-10 | No | Yes |
ISBN-13 | No | Yes |
ISSN | No | Yes |
JAN | No | Yes |
I25 | No | Yes |
The Barcode tool has 2 anchors:
Input anchor: Use the input anchor to connect the barcode data you want to generate or read.
Output anchor: Use the output anchor to pass the generated barcode or read barcode data downstream.
Connect to the Image tool to render barcode images.
Add a Barcode tool to the canvas.
Use the anchors to connect the Barcode tool to your text data.
Select Generate Barcode from Text under Mode of Operation.
Select the Column with Text.
The Barcode tool only accepts string data types. Use the Select tool to adjust data types as necessary.
Select the Barcode Type. You can make more than 1 selection.
Run the workflow.
To read barcodes from an image, ensure that the barcode isn't blurry or too small. Poor image quality might impact your results. If the image quality is poor, try to pre-process your images with the Image Processing tool.
Add a Barcode tool to the canvas.
Use the anchors to connect the Barcode tool to your image data.
Select Read Barcode from Image under Mode of Operation. The image can contain more than one supported barcode type.
Select the Column with Image.
Optional: Include a cropped image of the barcode.
Optional: Include the original image with the identified barcode bounded by a blue box.
Run the workflow.
The Barcode tool outputs the incoming columns in addition to various columns based on the Mode of Operation.
Separate columns containing a Blob for each barcode type generated (for example, QR or Code 128). The Blob is viewable using the Image tool.
decoded: This column contains the text read from the barcode.
type: This column contains the type of barcode read.
cropped_barcode: This column contains the cropped barcode image as a BLOB data type.
bounded_image: This column contains the bounded barcode image as a BLOB data type.