Create an Apache Spark context and execute Apache Spark commands directly from Alteryx Designer.

Display a data stream in the Results window as a comma-delimited, quote-qualified string.

Issue a base 64 encoded string for a selected string field.

Convert different data types to a Blob, or take a Blob and convert it to a different data type.

Read a Blob such as an image by browsing directly to a file or passing a list of files to read.

Write out each record into its own file.

This tool stops datasets from going downstream until the last record is processed by previous tools

Use Control Containers to manage the sequence in which tools run in your workflow and ensure that the steps in your process are executed in the correct order.

The Detour End tool unifies the data processes from an upstream Detour Tool into a single stream for further analysis in Analytic Apps and Macros.

Construct Analytic Apps or Macros to prompt a user to bypass a process in a workflow

Retrieves data from a specified URL to be used in downstream processing or to be saved to a file.

The Dynamic Input tool reads from an input database at runtime and dynamically chooses what records are read in.

The Dynamic Rename tool renames columns within an input data stream.

The Dynamic Replace tool allows you to quickly replace data field values, based on a condition.

The Dynamic Select tool allows fields to be selected either by field type or via a formula.

Use Expect Equal to test if two data streams are identical and report errors if not.

The Field Info tool returns metadata about each field or column from the incoming data stream.
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Use GitHub Commit to commit a file, directory of files, or the workflow it's used in, to a GitHub repository via the GitHub API.
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Use Get Last Commit to pull the details of the last commit to a specified GitHub repository.

The JSON Parse tool separates Java Script Object Notation text into a table schema for the purpose of downstream processing.
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Use the License API tool to connect to the Alteryx Designer licensing portal APIs via an easy-to-use interface.

The Message tool allows you to report messages about a specific process to the Results window.

Develop and run Python scripts with an interactive Jupyter notebook.

The R tool is a code editor for R users.

The Run Command tool allows you to run external command programs within Designer.

Use Runner to run an Alteryx workflow, app, or macro to determine if it runs successfully or if it contains errors.

Use the Server API tool to interact with the Server API (v1, v2, and v3) without the need to write a complex workflow.

The Test tool verifies data or processes in a workflow.

The Throttle tool slows down the speed of downstream processing by limiting the number of records.