A spatial function builds spatial objects, analyzes spatial data, and returns metrics from spatial fields. Use spatial functions with Spatial data types only.
Spatial Functions are consistent with the Open GIS Consortium, Inc. For more information, go to http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=829.
Spatial objects in formulas can use these operators:
+ (plus)
- (minus)
== (equals)
!= (not equal)
ST_Area(object, units)
: Returns the area of the spatial object in the specified units (numeric data value).
: Returns the boundary of the spatial object (polyline spatial object indicating the boundary of the input polygon).
ST_BoundingRectangle(object, ...)
: Returns the bounding rectangle of the spatial object (polygon spatial object).

: Returns the centroid of the spatial object (point spatial object).
: Returns the longitude of the centroid of the spatial object (numeric data value).
: Returns the latitude of the centroid of the spatial object (numeric data value).
ST_Combine(object1, object2,...)
: Combines the spatial objects (spatial object).

: Returns True if object1 contains object2 (Boolean value).
: Returns the convex hull of the spatial objects (spatial object).

ST_CreateLine(point1, point2...)
: Creates a line by connecting the specified points and lines in a sequence (spatial object).
: Returns a spatial object containing the specified longitude and latitude coordinates (spatial object).
ST_CreatePolygon(obj1, obj2...)
: Creates a polygon by connecting the specified points and lines in a sequence (spatial object).
: Returns the result of cutting object1 from object2 (spatial object).

: Returns the dimension of the spatial object. The spatial dimension is the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify every point that makes up the spatial object (numeric data value).
Point objects return a value of 0.
Line objects return a value of 1.
Polygon objects return a value of 2
ST_Distance(object1, object2, units)
: Returns the distance from object1 to object2 in the specified units. Supported units are Miles (Mi), Kilometers (KM), Meters, and Feet (numeric data value).
: Returns the last point of the spatial object (point spatial object).
ST_Intersection(object1, object2, ...)
: Returns the intersection of the specified spatial objects (spatial object).
ST_Intersects(object1, object2...)
: Returns True if the spatial objects intersect (Boolean value).
ST_InverseIntersection(object1, object2...)
: Returns the inverse intersection of the specified spatial objects (spatial object).
ST_Length(object, units)
: Returns the linear length of the spatial object in the specified units (numeric data value).
: Calculates the MD5 hash of the spatial object.
: Returns the maximum longitude of the spatial object (numeric data value).
: Returns the maximum latitude of the spatial object (numeric data value).
: Returns the minimum longitude of the spatial object (numeric data value).
: Returns the minimum latitude of the spatial object (numeric data value).
: Returns the number of parts in the spatial object (numeric data value).
: Returns the number of points in the spatial object (numeric data value).
: Returns the spatial object type as a string value (string data value).
ST_PointN(object, n)
: Returns the Nth point in the spatial object (point spatial object).
: Returns a random point within the spatial object (point spatial object).
: Returns True if the objects satisfy the provided DE-9IM relation (Boolean value).
: Returns the first point in the spatial object (spatial object).
ST_Touches(object1, object2)
: Returns True if object1 touches object2 (Boolean value).
ST_TouchesOrIntersects(object1, object2)
: Returns True if object1 touches or intersects object2 (Boolean value).
ST_Within(object1, object2)
: Returns True if object1 is contained by object2 (Boolean value).