Data Connection Manager (DCM) is a centralized storage for Database and Cloud interoperable connections (credentials linked to data sources) that facilitates workflow connection management and collaboration across Alteryx products. Use DCM to enter and use your connections and credentials among tools and workflows. DCM allows you to synchronize credentials between Server and Designer. Go to the DCM - Designer help page for more info.
To configure DCM for your Server, visit the DCM - Server help page.
In the Server UI, Data Connection Manager consists of 3 parts: DCM Data Sources, DCM Vaults, and DCM Credentials.
Starting 2024.1, you need permissions to create or edit DCM assets (data sources, credentials, and external vaults), manage generic vaults, and share DCM connection credentials for collaboration or to run on Server only. For more information, go to User Roles and Permissions.
To add a credential, go to DCM Credentials in the Server UI.
Select + New.
Enter a Credential Name. This is a user-friendly name for the credential. We recommend using a name that will help you to keep the usage for this credential obvious and keep the names distinct.
Select DCM or External Vault in the Vault dropdown. For more information on how to create a new Vault, go to the Connect DCM to External Vault section.
Select Method for the credential. Select one of the authentication methods. Below are a few (but not all) examples:
AWS IAM Access Keys: Enter Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. Use this method to access S3 download/upload, Redshift bulk output, Athena bulk output, and Snowflake bulk output.
Azure SharePoint App-Only: Enter Client ID and Secret Key. Use this method to access SharePoint Lists input/output.
Azure User-Assigned Managed Service Identity: Enter Object ID. Use this method to access Azure SQL (such as Analytics Platform, SQL Data Warehouse, Azure SQL, and more).
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Service Principal: Enter Client ID and Client Secret. Use this method to access Azure SQL.
Username: Enter a Username. Use this method to access almost all data sources.
Username and password: Enter a Username and Password. Use this method to access almost all data sources.
Select Save.
The credential displays in the DCM Credentials list.
To add a data source, go to DCM Data Sources in the Server UI.
Select + New.
Select Technology.
Enter the required information, which depends on the selected Technology, such as Datasource Name, Server, Driver, Host, or Database.
Select Save.
The data source displays in the DCM Data Sources list.
To connect a credential to a data source, go to DCM Data sources in the Server UI.
In the data source list, select the data source you want to connect to a credential.
In the data source details page, select + Connect Credential.
Select the Authentication Method from the drop-down list.
Select the desired credential in the Credential drop-down.
To allow connection for SDK, select the Allow connection for SDK checkbox.
This checkbox only appears if the SDK mode in Designer/Server is set to "Allow". Otherwise it is hidden.
Select Link.
The combination of a data source with a linked credential is considered a connection. The created connection displays in Connections for the selected data source.
To edit an existing connection, go to DCM Data sources in the Server UI.
In the data source list, select the data source for which you want to edit an existing connection.
In the 3-dot menu, select Edit.
Update the connection and select Save and Link.
After you create a connection, you can share it with users or custom groups.
Share for Collaboration: Share a connection allowing multiple users to collaborate on creating workflows. This form of sharing allows other users to synchronize the connection to their instance of Designer to build workflows using this connection.
The connection owner can choose to share their credentials together with the connections. If they choose to, other users won’t be able to view the secrets but will be able to use them in workflows. Other users won’t be able to reuse the shared credentials in any other connection—it will be bound to the shared connection only. If the connection owner decides to not share the credentials, each user must then connect their own credentials—for the same authentication method—in order to use the connection.
No updates in workflows are necessary to execute the workflow by other users who have this connection shared.
Only users with respective permission are allowed to share connections for Collaboration. For more information about these permissions, go to User Roles and Permissions.
Connections with the Allow connection for SDK checkbox selected can't be shared for collaboration.
Share to Run on Server Only: Share a connection for workflow execution on Server. The user can’t see the connection, nor can they synchronize it and use it in Designer.
With this form of sharing, the user the connection is shared with does not receive a notification or see information about the connection. They can, however, use the connection to run workflows. The only way they know that the connection has been shared is because they can run workflows.
Only users with respective permission are allowed to share connections to Run on Server Only. For more information about these permissions, go to User Roles and Permissions.
On the DCM Data Sources page, select the connection you want to share.
In the 3-dot menu, select Share.
In the Share Connection window, select Users or Custom Groups, then Add User or Add Group.
Enter the name of a user or group.
Select the user or group.
Select the desired form of sharing, either Share for Collaboration or Share to Run on Server Only.
Select Add. The added users or custom groups display in the Users or Custom Groups list.
Select Done.
The Server UI lists the user or group you share the connection with on the corresponding tab. Go to the DCM - Designer help page to see how users access and manage shared credentials in Designer.
To revoke a user's or group's access to a connection, go to DCM Data sources in the Server UI.
In the data source list, select the connection of a data source you want to share.
In the 3-dot menu, select Share.
In the Share Connection window, select the trash icon next to the user or group name. To confirm, select Remove.
Select Done.
For Share for Collaboration, please be aware that the user will retain this shared access in Designer until they next synchronize their DCM Connections with the Server.
To remove an existing connection, go to DCM Data sources in the Server UI.
In the data source list, select the data source for which you want to remove an existing connection.
In the 3-dot menu, select Unlink.
To remove the connection, select Delete in the pop-up window.
When you are adding a data source, you can select the technology from the list available at DCM Supported Connectors and Tools.
The DCM Vault feature allows you to connect DCM with your Vault of choice (see supported vaults). Thus, you can use DCM Vaults to fetch credentials from your Vault and securely use them in your workflow.
To configure DCM Vaults, DCM must be enabled. Learn how to enable DCM in the DCM - Server article.
To connect DCM to your Vault:
In Server UI, select DCM Vaults.
Select +New.
Choose Technology. If you have selected the Generic vault, go to DCM Generic External Vault for more information.
Enter the Data Source Name.
Enter the address of your Vault into the URL input. Fore more information, go to DCM External Vaults.
Select Save.
Next, create credentials to authenticate to your Vault:
Under Connections, select +Connect Credential.
Choose an Authentication Method.
Fill in the credential information. In case you don't have an existing credential, you can create a credential by selecting Create New Credential in the dropdown.
Select Link if you are adding an existing credential or Create and Link if you are adding a new credential.
You are now able to select this Vault as a source of credentials.
Go to DCM Vaults.
Select which credential to edit.
Select Edit.
Update credential details.
Select Save.
Go to DCM Vaults.
Select which vault to delete.
Select the trashcan icon.
Select Delete to confirm.
AWS Secrets Manager
CyberArk Conjur
Hashicorp Vault (KV secrets engine)
Generic Vault
In order to configure Generic External Vaults, go to the DCM Generic External Vault help page.
For more information about supported vaults, go to DCM External Vaults.
To synchronize DCM between Server and Designer, follow these steps:
Go to Designer > File > Manage Connections to open Connection Manager. Then select Synchronize in the menu.
Select from the list the Server you want to synchronize.
Select Synchronize.
After you have synchronized DCM between Server and Designer, any credentials you own and all data sources you have access to will be visible and ready for use in Connection Manager.
Admins can select from DCM connections synchronization options from Server to Designer and from Designer to Server in System Settings > DCM. For more information, go to DCM - Server.
To synchronize DCM to a Server is possible only if you have permission to create and edit DCM objects on that Server. Even without such a permission, you are still able to pull shared connections from the Server to your local Designer.