For information on how the original engine and AMP impact a workflow, go to Alteryx Engine and AMP: Main Differences.
Tools that have been converted from the original engine to AMP.
Tool | Category | Difference Between the Original Engine and AMP |
AB Analysis | AB Testing | |
AB Controls | AB Testing | |
AB Treatments | AB Testing | |
AB Trend | AB Testing | |
Action | Interface | |
Append Cluster | Predictive Grouping | |
Append Fields | Preparation | |
ARIMA | Time Series | |
Arrange | Transform | |
Association Analysis | Data Investigation | |
Auto Field | Preparation | Data types may differ. |
Basic Data Profile | Data Investigation | |
Blob Convert | Developer |
Blob Input | Developer | |
Block Until Done | Developer | Parallel BUD from Crew macro pack will not work with AMP. |
Boosted Model | Predictive | |
Browse | In/Out | |
Browse Everywhere | N/A | |
Check Box | Interface | |
Comment | Documentation | |
Condition | Interface | |
Contingency Table | Data Investigation | |
Control Parameter | Interface | |
Count Records | Transform | |
Count Regression | Predictive | |
Create Samples | Preparation | |
Create Points | Spatial | |
Cross Tab | Transform | Record order. Can be fixed with Engine Compatiblity Mode. |
Cross-Validation | Predictive - Gallery | |
Data Cleansing | Preparation | Original Engine removes "©" as a punctuation mark and reorders records when removing null rows without Engine Compability Mode turned on. |
DataRobot Automodel | Predictive - Gallery | |
DataRobot Predict | Predictive - Gallery | |
Date | Interface | |
Date Time Now | In/Out | |
DateTime | Parse | |
Decision Tree | Predictive | |
Deploy | Predictive | |
Detour | Developer | |
Detour End | Developer | |
Directory | In/Out | |
Distance | Spatial | |
Distribution Analysis | Data Investigation | |
Download | Developer | |
Drop Down | Interface | |
Dynamic Input | Developer | |
Dynamic Rename | Developer | |
Dynamic Replace | Developer | |
Dynamic Select | Developer | |
Reporting | Starting with 2022.3, the legacy Email tool configuration is no longer supported due to security reasons. Previously, when the SMTPServer tag was empty, the SMTP server was set based on Windows configuration. The current Email tool configuration uses the SMTPServerName tag which can't be empty. | |
Error Message | Interface | |
ETS | Time Series | |
Field Info | Developer | |
Field Summary | Data Investigation | |
File Browse | Interface | |
Filter | Preparation | |
Find Nearest | Spatial | |
Find Nearest Neighbors | Predictive Grouping | |
Find Replace | Join | |
Folder Browse | Interface | |
Forest Model | Predictive | |
Formula | Preparation | |
Frequency Table | Data Investigation | |
Fuzzy Match | Join | Record order/column order. Records are matched in a different order with AMP. |
Gamma Regression | Predictive | |
Generalize | Spatial | |
Generate Rows | Preparation | |
Heat Map | Spatial | |
Heat Plot | Data Investigation | |
Histogram | Data Investigation | |
Image | Reporting | |
Importance Weights | Data Investigation - Gallery | |
Input Data | In/Out | Only XLSX, CSV, YXDB, and SQLite formats have been converted. All other formats will fall back to original Engine. |
Imputation | Preparation | |
Interactive Chart | Reporting | |
Join | Join | Record order. Due to the different method of grouping with AMP, the output order is different. This can be fixed with Engine Compatibility Mode. Double fields can only be joined to other double fields. |
Join Multiple | Join | Record order. Due to the different method of grouping with AMP, the output order is different. This can be fixed with Engine Compatibility Mode. Double fields can only be joined to other double fields. There is a maximum of 32 allowed connections for this tool when AMP is enabled to prevent deadlocks. |
JSON Parse | Parse | |
K-Centroids Cluster Analysis | Predictive Grouping | |
K-Centroids Diagnostics | Predictive Grouping | |
Layout | Reporting | |
Lift Chart | Predictive | |
Linear Regression | Predictive | |
List Box | Interface | |
Logistic Regression | Predictive | |
Macro Input | Interface | |
Macro Output | Interface | |
Make Group | Join | |
Map | Interface | |
Map Legend Builder | Reporting | |
Map Legend Splitter | Reporting | |
MB Affinity | Predictive Grouping | |
MB Inspect | Predictive Grouping | |
MB Rules | Predictive Grouping | |
Message | Developer | |
Model Coefficients | Predictive – Gallery | |
Model Comparison | Predictive | |
Multidimensional Scaling | Predictive Grouping – Gallery | |
Multi-Field Binning | Preparation | |
Multi Field Formula | Preparation | |
Multi Row Formula | Preparation | |
Naïve Bayes Classifier | Predictive | |
Nested Test | Predictive | |
Network Analysis | Predictive | |
Neural Network | Predictive | |
Numeric Up Down | Interface | |
Optimization | Prescriptive | |
Output Data | In/Out | Only XLSX, CSV, YXDB, and SQLite formats have been converted. All other formats will fall back to original Engine. While AMP Engine writes SpatialObj data to the file when saving as CSV file, the original Engine doesn’t. This causes file size difference and users may experience decreased performance. |
Overlay | Reporting | |
Oversample Field | Preparation | |
Pearson Correlation | Data Investigation | |
Plot of Means | Data Investigation | |
Poly-Build | Spatial | Record order. Due to the different method of grouping with AMP, the output order is different. |
Principal Components | Predictive Grouping | |
R | Developer | AMP Engine passes data to and from R in the original Engine format. Double conversion takes time. Single R tool execution time can be slower with AMP than with the original Engine, but it will be faster if multiple branches are run simultaneously. |
Radio Button | Interface | |
Random%Sample | Preparation | Deterministic output mode will select different records with AMP. |
Record ID | Preparation | |
RegEx | Parse | |
Render | Reporting | |
Report Footer | Reporting | |
Report Header | Reporting | |
Report Map | Reporting | |
Report Text | Reporting | |
Run Command | Developer | |
Running Total | Transform | Record order. Due to the different method of grouping with AMP, the output order is different. |
Sample | Preparation | Group by column mode will output records in different order. |
Scatterplot | Data Investigation | |
Score | Predictive | |
Select | Preparation | |
Select Records | Preparation | |
Simulation Sampling | Prescriptive | |
Simulation Scoring | Prescriptive | |
Simulation Summary | Prescriptive | |
Smooth | Spatial | |
Sort | Preparation | There is a difference with Using Dictionary Order when sorting special characters. Different implementations are used to make dictionary sorting on original Engine and AMP. For original Engine, Windows implementation is used. For AMP - ICU library. It works differently only for special symbols, but not for words/letter/native sort. |
Spatial Info | Spatial | |
Spatial Match | Spatial | In mode "Use records from File or Database" only CSV, YXDB and SQLite formats have been converted. Other file formats will use the original Engine. |
Spatial Process | Spatial | |
Spearman Correlation | Data Investigation | |
Spline Model | Predictive | |
Stepwise | Predictive | |
Support Vector Machine | Predictive | |
Survival Analysis | Predictive - Gallery | |
Survivial Score | Predictive - Gallery | |
Table | Reporting | |
Test | Developer | With AMP this tool will output error “Error: Test (109): No tests are configured for input #2“ if there no tests for specific connection. |
Test of Means | Predictive | |
Text Box | Interface | |
Text Input | In/Out | AMP creates the maximum size field for strings and integers so that subsequent operations will have the necessary room to hold larger downstream values, whereas the original engine creates the minimum size required to accommodate the data. |
Text To Columns | Parse | |
Throttle | Developer | Not available on AMP, but you can use it together with the Download tool (Throttle first). |
Tile | Preparation | Record order. Due to the different method of grouping with AMP, the output order is different. |
Tool Container | Documentation | |
Trade Area | Spatial | |
Transpose | Transform | |
Tree | Interface | |
TS Compare | Time Series | |
TS Covariate Forecast | Time Series | |
TS Filler | Time Series | |
TS Forecast | Time Series | |
TS Forecast Factory | Time Series - Gallery | |
TS Model Factory | Time Series - Gallery | |
TS Plot | Time Series | |
Union | Join | The order of the records may differ due to their variable processing. You can avoid this by setting a specific output order. There is a maximum of 32 allowed connections for this tool when AMP is enabled to prevent deadlocks. When input tools are directly connected to the Union tool and one of the inputs is invalid, the Union tool outputs empty results with AMP, while E1 outputs partial results (consisting of everything from valid input tools). |
Unique | Preparation | Record order and output result (different records). Due to the different method of grouping with AMP, the output order is different. |
Variance Inflation Factors | Predictive – Gallery | |
Violin Plot | Data Investigation | |
Weighted Average | Transform | When Grouping Fields mode used AMP will output records in a different order. |
XML Parse | Parse | AMP Engine uses boost u32regex which works correctly with Unicode symbols on char* strings. Original Engine uses boost regex. |
Tools where not all functionality or configuration has been converted from the original engine to AMP. The functionality of all partially-converted tools is retained on AMP, with fall-back to the original engine when needed.
Tool | Category | Differences Between the Original Engine and AMP |
Summarize | Transform | Different order for actions which use Group By. Actions not supported with AMP: Behavior Analysis\Combine profiles. Falls back to the original engine when used. |