Alteryx Designer contains over 270 tools! With that many tools, it can be overwhelming to know which tool might be the best option to achieve your desired outcome. Also, you might not know about all of your options. The new Recommended tab in the Designer Tool Palette makes these decisions a little easier.
The Recommended tab is visible by default. You can find it in the Designer Tool Palette next to the Favorites tab.

If you have not added any tools to your workflow, the Recommended tab suggests tools that are typically the first tools in most workflows, like Text Input. You can drag and drop one of these tools onto your canvas to start your workflow.
Once you start building your workflow, select a tool on the canvas and Designer uses the selected tool to recommend possible downstream tools that you can add to your workflow. Select another tool on the canvas and the recommendations will update.
Note that recommendations are only available when you select a single tool on your workflow canvas. If you select multiple tools at once, no recommendations are provided.
If you're an expert Designer user, you might want to remove the Recommended tab from your tool palette. To remove this tab, select the gear icon at the end of the tabs toolbar. Then uncheck the box for Recommended. Select OK.