The AlteryxService SQL DB is the service-layer database for your Server instance. This article covers the AlteryxService SQL DB schema version 1, which corresponds to Server versions 2024.1. Servers using the user-managed SQL DB use this schema.
As a Server admin, you might need to access the SQL DB schema for your Server instance for reporting and analysis. You can access the SQL DB schema using any compatible client. SQL Server Management Studio is a good tool for GUI access.
We do not support making direct edits to your SQL database. Doing so can cause unexpected results.
The AlteryxService SQL DB is made up of the below tables. Tables are a groupings of SQL DB documents which are made up of a set of field-value pairs. Select a table to see the definition of the fields, also known as the schema.
The AS_App_Chunks table contains workflow package chunks. The corresponding AS_App_Chunks.Files table is used for larger documents.
_id: (ULID) Document primary key.
__Version: (Int32) Version number.
__CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was created.
__LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last updated.
Checksum: (varchar(64)) The SHA256 checksum of the chunk contents.
Chunk: (filestream) The chunk contents.
RequestID: (varchar(32)) The front-end RequestID that uploaded this app chunk.
The AS_ApplicationVersions table contains workflow version history. The corresponding AS_ApplicationVersions.Files table is used for larger documents.
_id: (ULID) Document primary key.
__Version: (Int32) Version number.
__CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was created.
__LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last updated.
ApplicationId: (ULID) Workflow ID (as found in the AS_Applications table).
VersionHistory: (varchar(max)) Pipe separated list of versions.
The AS_Applications table contains data on workflows stored in the service database. The corresponding AS_Applications.Files table is used for larger documents.
_id: (ULID) Document primary key.
__Version: (Int32) Version number.
__CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was created.
__LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last updated.
UserName: (varchar(26)) Username or SQL DB user ID (as found in the AlteryxGallery.users table) of the user associated with the schedule.
CPUName: (varchar(64)) Hostname or IP address of the workstation or Server node that created the schedule.
CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time (local server time) the record was created.
ModuleName: ((varchar(256)) Workflow file name.
InternalFileName: (varchar(256)) File name.
PackageDefinition: (varbinary(max)) The ID of the package definition associated.
Module: (filestream) The workflow if stored in its entirety.
RequestID: (varchar(32)) The front-end RequestID that uploaded this application.
The AS_Galleries table contains Service layer information regarding Server UI registrations (for the potential future use). The corresponding AS_Galleries.Files table is used for larger documents.
_id: (ULID) Document primary key.
__Version: (Int32) Version number
__CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was created.
__LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last updated.
HostName: (varchar(256)) URI of a Server UI node.
GalleryId: (varchar(36)) Unique ID of a Server UI node for a particular life cycle of ServerHost.
LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the Server UI registration was last updated.
The AS_Insights table contains data on workflows stored in the service database. The corresponding AS_Insights.Files table is used for larger documents.
_id: (ULID) Document primary key.
__Version: (Int32) Version number
__CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was created.
__LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last updated.
UserName: (varchar(26)) Username or SQL DB user ID (as found in the AlteryxGallery.users table) of the user associated with the insight.
CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time (local server time) the record was created.
InsightId: (varchar(32)) The effective primary key for this insight.
Insight: (filestream) Insight file.
The AS_PackageDefinitions table contains package definition data. The corresponding AS_PackageDefinitions.Files table is used for larger documents.
_id: (ULID) Document primary key.
__Version: (Int32) Version number
__CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was created.
__LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last updated.
UserName: (varchar(26)) Username or MongoDB user ID (as found in the AlteryxGallery.users table) of the user associated with the schedule.
CPUName: (varchar(64)) Hostname or IP address of the workstation or Server node that created the schedule.
CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time (local server time) the record was created.
PackageDefinition: (varchar(max)) Package Definition XML.
The AS_Queue table contains queued jobs. Both currently waiting and completed jobs are present in the queue. The corresponding AS_Queue.Files table is used for larger documents.
_id: (ULID) Document primary key.
__Version: (Int32) Version number.
__Priority: (Int64) Long Int32 used to sort the queue.
__CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was created.
__LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last updated.
AS_Application_ID: (ULID) Workflow ID from AS_Applications.
Type: (varchar(max)) Type of job.
UserName: (varchar(26)) Username or SQL DB user ID (as found in the AlteryxGallery.users table) of the user associated with the job.
SubscriptionId: (varchar(max)): Subscription ID.
CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time (local server time) job was created.
Status: (varchar(16)) Job status.
Owner: (varchar(32)) Hostname and worker ID of the worker that picked up the job from the queue.
CompletionDateTime: (datetime) Date-time (local server time) job was completed.
QOS_Priority: (Int64) Job priority.
IsAnonymous: (bit) Flag for job queued by anonymous user.
IsHidden: (bit) True if the app is not the last app in a series of chained apps.
RestrictOutput: (bit). Deprecated. Leftover from Public Gallery.
AppName: (varchar(256)) Workflow name.
ClientType: (varchar(8)) Client type that created the job.
AS_Schedules_ID: (ULID) ID of the schedule associated with the queue record.
AlteryxResultCode: (Int32) Result code from the Engine for the workflow.
DefaultModule: (varchar(256)) The name of the workflow to be executed. Specifically, the name of the workflow that is executed by default in a package that contains multiple workflow files.
Error: (varchar(max)) Error message for a job that failed to run.
ExecutionTime: (decimal(28,3)) The runtime of the job.
JobName: (varchar(256)) For a scheduled job, the name of the schedule. Otherwise, the name given to the job by the user, if any.
ModuleName: (varchar(256)) The name of the workflow to be executed. Might be different from DefaultModule.
Parameters: (varchar(max)) Parameters to pass to the Engine.
QueueInputIDs: (varchar(max)) A pipe-separated table of queue input IDs (found in the AS_QueueInputs table) that will be used by the job.
RequestID: (varchar(26)) The front-end RequestID that triggered the job run.
ResultIDs: (varchar(max)) A pipe-separated table of result IDs (found in the AS_ResultsFiles table) generated by a previous job that will be used by this job.
RunAsPasswordId: (varchar(26)) The ID of the RunAs password (found in the AS_RunAsCredentials table) that will be used by this job.
RunAsUser: (varchar(256)) The username of the RunAs account that will be used by this job.
RunWithE2: (bit) Whether to explicitly run this job with E2.
Version: (varchar(42)) The version of the app package to use when the app has more than one version.
WizardValues: (varchar(max)) Answers to Analytic App Questions.
WorkerTag: (varchar(64)) The worker tag for this job.
The AS_QueueInputs table contains temporary input files to be used when running apps. For example, the inputs selected in the File Browse tool.
_id: (ULID) Document primary key.
__Version: (Int32) Version number.
__CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was created.
__LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last updated.
UserName: (varchar(26)) Username or SQL DB user ID (as found in the AlteryxGallery.users table) of the user associated with the schedule.
CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the user uploaded the file.
FileName: (varchar(256)) File name.
InternalFileName: (varchar(256)) File name.
File: (filestream) Files binary.
RequestID: (varchar(26)) The front-end RequestID that uploaded this queue input file.
The AS_ResourcePermissions table contains data on permission context for data connections. The corresponding AS_ResourcePermissions.Files table is used for larger documents.
_id: (ULID) Document primary key.
__Version: (Int32) Version number.
__CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was created.
__LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last updated.
ResourceId: (varchar(26)) Resource ID.
ContextId: (varchar(26)) Permission context ID.
The AS_Resources table contains info on data connections. The corresponding AS_Resources.Files tableis used for larger documents.
_id: (ULID) Document primary key.
__Version: (Int32) Version number.
__CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was created.
__LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last updated.
ResourceId: (varchar(26)) Resource ID.
ResourceValue: (varchar(max)) Resource value.
The AS_Results table contains workflow results data. The corresponding AS_Results.Files table is used for larger documents.
_id: (ULID) Document primary key.
__Version: (Int32) Version numbervarchar(26).
__CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was created.
__LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last updated.
AS_Queue_ID: (ULID) The ID of the job that generated this result.
UserName: (varchar(26)) Username or SQL DB user ID (as found in the AlteryxGallery.users table) of the user associated with the schedule.
OutputLog: (varbinary(max)) Messages the Engine wrote while writing the workflow. Stored in binary format.
TotalFileSize: (Int64) The accumulated size of all files in AS_ResultsFiles for this job result, in bytes.
ExecutionStartTime: (datetime) Date-time the workflow started running.
ExecutionTime: (decimal(28,3)) How long the workflow took to run.
The AS_ResultsFiles table contains workflow results data. The corresponding AS_ResultsFiles.Files table is used for larger documents.
_id: (ULID) Document primary key.
__Version: (Int32) Version number.
__CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was created.
__LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last updated.
AS_Queue_ID: (ULID) The ID of the job that generated this result file.
UserName: (varchar(26)) Username or MongoDB user ID (as found in the AlteryxGallery.users table) of the user associated with the schedule.
FileName: (varchar(260)) File name.
File: (filestream) File contents.
The AS_RunAsCredentials table contains Run As credentials. The corresponding AS_RunAsCredentials.Files table is used for larger documents.
_id: (ULID) Document primary key.
__Version: (Int32) Version number.
__CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was created.
__LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last updated.
EncData: (varchar(max)) Encrypted RunAs password.
The AS_Schedules table contains service-layer information regarding schedules. The corresponding AS_Schedules.Files table is used for larger documents.
_id: (ULID) Document primary key.
__Version: (Int32) Version number.
__CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was created.
__LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last updated.
AS_Application__ID: (ULID) Workflow ID from AS_Applications.
UserName: (varchar(26)) Username or SQL DB user ID (as found in the AlteryxGallery.users table) of the user associated with the schedule.
CPUName: (varchar(64)) Hostname or IP address of the workstation or Server node that created the schedule.
CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time (local server time) the schedule was created.
NextRunDateTime: (datetime) Date-time (local server time) the schedule is next scheduled to run.
UntilDateTime: (datetime) Schedule end date-time (local server time).
LastRunDateTime: (datetime) Date-time (local server time) the schedule last ran.
Status: (varchar(256)) Schedule status.
LC_ScheduleName: (varchar(256)) Name of the schedule in lower-case.
LC_Owner: (varchar(32)) Schedule owner in lower-case.
ClientType: (varchar(8)) Type of schedule created.
AS_PackageDefinition__ID: (ULID) Package definition ID.
ApplicationName: (varchar(256)) The name of the workflow that was scheduled.
AS_Queue_ID: (ULID) The ID of the most recent job run for the schedule.
Comment: (varchar(1024)) Schedule comment.
CredentialId: (varchar(max)) The credential associated with the schedule.
CredentialSource: (varchar(max)) Where the schedules credential came from.
Enabled: (bit) Whether the schedule is enabled to run.
Frequency: (varchar(max)) How often the schedule runs in readable format.
Iteration: (varchar(max)) The serialized iteration for the schedule.
IterationFormula: (varchar(max)) The serialized iteration for the schedule formula.
LastErrorCode: (varchar(64)) The last error code for the schedule.
LastModifiedDate: (datetime) The last date the schedule was modified.
LastModifiedId: (varchar(26)) Who modified the schedule last.
NumberOfTimesRun: (Int64) How many times the schedule has been run.
Type: (varchar(max))
Owner: (varchar(32)) Schedule owner.
JobName: (varchar(max)) Name of the job.
PasswordId: (varchar(26)) Id for the credential password.
Priority: (Int64) Priority of the schedule.
RequestId: (varchar(32)) The front-end RequestID that created this schedule.
RunAsUser (varchar(256)) User context the schedule jobs will run as.
RunWithE2: (bit) Whether the schedule is for an AMP workflow.
ScheduleName: (varchar(256)) Name of the schedule.
StartDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the workflow should start running.
Timezone: (varchar(64)) Timezone for the schedule.
WorkerTag: (varchar(64)) The worker tag for the schedule
The AS_TileSetAccessTimes table contains timestamps for when a record in AS_TileSets was last accessed, and it’s used to clean up old TileSets. The corresponding AS_ResultsFiles.Files table is used for larger documents.
_id: (ULID) Document primary key.
__Version: (Int32) Version number.
__CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was created.
__LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last updated.
AS_TileSet__ID: (ULID) TileSet ID.
LastAccessTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last accessed.
The AS_TileSets table contains data on workflows stored in the service database. The corresponding AS_TileSets.Files table is used for larger documents.
_id: (ULID) Document primary key.
__Version: (Int32) Version number.
__CreationDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was created.
__LastUpdateDateTime: (datetime) Date-time the record was last updated.
Checksum: (varchar(64)) The SHA256 checksum of the tileset.
TileSetPool: (varchar(64)) The Pool ID.
RenderSettings: (varchar(max)) Render settings.
YxdbInfo: (varbinary(max)) Meta info for the YXDB file.