This section provides overview information on the key data and metadata that should be managed by your enterprise backup and recovery policies.
This section covers how to perform a basic cold backup of the product. Hot backups are not supported.
All backups should be performed in accordance with your enterprise's backup and recovery policies.
Before you begin, the Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta platform and databases should be stopped. See Start and Stop the Platform.
The following directories on the Trifacta node should be backed up on a regular basis:
Configuration files:
You can back up all key configuration files into the /tmp
directory using the following commands:
cp -R /opt/trifacta/conf /tmp/conf
cp /etc/init.d/trifacta /tmp/trifacta.service
cp -R /opt/trifacta/pkg3p/tripache/conf/conf.d /tmp/conf.d
cp -R /opt/trifacta/services/data-service/build/conf/vendor /tmp/vendor
cp -R /opt/trifacta/hadoop-deps /tmp/trifacta-hadoop-deps
License file:
You should back up your license key:
cp /opt/trifacta/license/license.json /tmp/license.json
See License Key.
Log files:
Optionally, you can choose to back up your log files:
Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta platform upgrades may be faster if the log directory is empty. Before you upgrade, you may wish to back up this directory, empty it, and then restore your backup after the upgrade.
cp -R /opt/trifacta/logs /tmp/logs
The Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta platform utilizes the following databases as part of normal operations. These databases should be backed up on a regular basis:
Database Name | DatabaseId | Description |
Main DB |
| Stores users and metadata for flows, including datasets, and recipes. |
Jobs DB | trifacta-activiti | Stores and maintains job execution status and details. |
Scheduling DB | trifactaschedulingservice | Stores metadata for scheduled jobs. |
Time-based Trigger DB | trifactatimebasedtriggerservice | Additional database required for scheduled jobs. |
Configuration Service DB | trifactaconfigurationservice | Stores configuration settings for the workspace. |
Artifact Storage Service DB | trifactaartifactstorageservice | Stores feature usage data such value mappings for the standardization feature. |
Job Metadata Service DB | trifactajobmetadataservice | Stores metadata on job execution. |
Authorization Service DB | trifactaauthorizationservice | Storage of object permissions. |
Orchestration Service DB | trifactaorchestrationservice | Storage of plans, triggers, tasks, and snapshots. |
Optimizer Service DB | trifactaoptimizerservice | Storage of SQL queries for optimization during job execution. |
Secure Token Service DB | trifactasecuretokenservice | Storage of STS tokens for use in accessing third-party systems. |
Connector Configuration Service DB | trifactaconnectorconfigurationservice | Storage of metadata information on connector types. |
For more information on setting up these databases, see Install Databases.
Depending on your operating system, you can find the backup tools in the following location.
CentOS/RHEL - PostgreSQL 12:
These locations apply to PostgreSQL 12.
/usr/pgsql-12/bin/pg_dump /usr/pgsql-12/bin/psql
Please locate the following programs in your MySQL distribution:
mysqldump mysql
The following commands can be used to back up the databases.
For more information on command options, see
These commands must be executed as the trifacta
The following commands are for PostgreSQL 12.3 for all supported operating systems. For specific commands for other versions, please see the database documentation.
You may see performance improvements by backing up and restoring using .TAR files. However, there is a risk that .TAR support could change in the future. For more information, please see the PostgreSQL documentation.
Trifacta DB:
If you are providing a dump of the trifacta
database to Alteryx Support, please include a dump of the trifactaauthorizationservice
database, as well.
pg_dump trifacta > trif_triDB_bkp_<date>.sql
Jobs DB:
pg_dump trifacta-activiti > trif_actDB_bkp_<date>.sql
Scheduling DB:
pg_dump trifactaschedulingservice > trif_schDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Time-Based Trigger DB:
pg_dump trifactatimebasedtriggerservice > trif_tbtsDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Configuration Service DB:
pg_dump trifactaconfigurationservice > trif_confservDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Artifact Storage DB:
pg_dump trifactaartifactstorageservice > trif_artifactstorageservDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Job Metadata Service DB:
pg_dump trifactajobmetadataservice > trif_jobmetadataservDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Authorization Service DB:
pg_dump trifactaauthorizationservice > trif_authorizationservDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Orchestration Service DB:
pg_dump trifactaorchestrationservice > trif_orchestrationservDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Optimizer Service DB:
pg_dump trifactaoptimizerservice > trif_optimizerservDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Secure Token Service DB:
pg_dump trifactasecuretokenservice > trif_securetokenservDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Connector Configuration Service DB:
pg_dump trifactaconnectorconfigurationservice > trif_connectorconfigurationservDB_bkup_<date>.sql
For more information on command options, see
su - mysql
The following commands are for MySQL 5.7 for all supported operating systems. For specific commands for other versions, please see the database documentation.
Trifacta DB:
If you are providing a dump of the trifacta
database to Alteryx Support, please include a dump of the trifactaauthorizationservice
database, as well.
mysqldump trifacta > trif_triDB_bkp_<date>.sql
Jobs DB:
mysqldump trifacta-activiti > trif_actDB_bkp_<date>.sql
Scheduling DB:
mysqldump trifactaschedulingservice > trif_schDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Time-Based Trigger DB:
mysqldump trifactatimebasedtriggerservice > trif_tbtsDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Configuration Service DB:
mysqldump trifactaconfigurationservice > trif_confservDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Artifact Storage DB:
mysqldump trifactaartifactstorageservice > trif_artifactstorageservDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Job Metadata Service DB:
mysqldump trifactajobmetadataservice > trif_jobmetadataservDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Authorization Service DB:
mysqldump trifactaauthorizationservice > trif_authorizationservDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Orchestration Service DB:
mysqldump trifactaorchestrationservice > trif_orchestrationservDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Optimizer Service DB:
mysqldump trifactaoptimizerservice > trif_optimizerservDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Secure Token Service DB:
mysqldump trifactasecuretokenservice > trif_securetokenservDB_bkup_<date>.sql
Connector Configuration Service DB:
mysqldump trifactaconnectorconfigurationservice > trif_connectorconfigurationservDB_bkup_<date>.sql
You can schedule nightly execution of these backups using a third-party scheduler such as cron.
You can restart the Designer Cloud Powered by Trifacta platform now. See Start and Stop the Platform.
See Platform Rollback.