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Find Replace Tool

Use Find Replace to find a string in 1 column of a dataset and look up and replace it with another string. You can also use Find Replace to append columns to a row.


This tool has a One Tool Example. Visit Access Sample Workflows to learn how to access this and many other examples directly in Designer Cloud.

Tool Components

Find Replace Tool Anchors.png

Figure: Find Replace tool with 2 anchors.

The Find Replace tool has 2 anchors:

  • Input anchor: Contains the data to be replaced.

  • Output anchor: The output anchor displays the results of the Find Replace tool.

Configure the Tool

The Find Replace tool configuration has 3 sections: Lookup Table, Find, and Replace.

Lookup Table

Enter the data that you want to find in the Find Values column. Then, in the Replace Values column, enter the data you want to use to replace the found values with.

Find Section

  1. Column to Search: Select the column in the table with data that you want to replace.

  2. Choose the search criteria:

    • Contains: This search function searches for the instance of the column value in any part of the column. The entire column does not have to contain only what is being searched for.

    • Starts With: Searches for the instance of the column value at the beginning of the column. The entire column does not have to only contain what is being searched for.

    • Exactly Equal To: Searches for the instance of the column value contained within the entire column. The instance has to be there in its entirety to be replaced with the new value.

  3. Select optional search conditions:

    • Case Sensitive: This option includes the case in the search.

    • Match Whole Word Only: Strings are only matched if there are leading and trailing spaces. For strings at the beginning or end of a cell, there must be a space at the other end.