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Release Notes for Location Intelligence

Location Intelligence is a cloud-based application designed to visually interact and analyze geospatial data with an interactive map-centered user interface.

April 2, 2024

What's New

  • Language support for Location Intelligence is currently in Early Preview! During Early Preview, you can preview Location Intelligence in 1 of the supported languages. To change your UI language, select the Profile menu and then go to User Preferences > Account > Language. For more information, go to Language Support Early Preview.

March 27, 2024

What's New

  • You can now add Location Intelligence projects to a plan.

  • You can now manually set the minimum and maximum range for each step when styling a map layer by an attribute field.

Key Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Location Intelligence projects could not be deleted. 

  • Fixed an issue where CSV column names were not consistently updated when uploaded via Location Intelligence.

  •  Fixed an issue where CSV files with leading or trailing spaces would not load in the Location Intelligence.

January 31, 2024

What's New

  • You can quickly locate the nearby objects or points of interest using the Find Nearest feature. For more information, go to New Analysis.

Key Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where CSV files with leading or trailing spaces in column names created loading issues.

January 17, 2024

What's New

  • Location Intelligence is now supported in workspaces with Azure ADLS and Google GCS based workspaces.

  • Location Intelligence released configuration and usability updates to geocoding and create layers.

    • Create layers shows common spatial input options such as creating point layers and global geocoding.

    • Create layers error messaging improved for data sources without a geometry/geography column.

    • With geocoding, you now have the option to select a single address field or select custom fields.

Key Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with uploading files to Location Intelligence.

  • Fixed an issue with Zipped Shapefile files that hangs indefinitely by showing the error message correctly.

  • You can now upload any supported file with upper case in the file extension name.

  • Non-UTF8 encoded CSV files are now supported.

  • Projects on the landing page are now properly paginated on the first load.

November 10, 2023

What's New

  • You can now add KML and ZipShaped files into Location Intelligence.

Known Issues

Location Intelligence does not load shapefiles with accented characters where the code page has not been defined.

October 11, 2023

What's New

  • You can now add layers to bring datasets into Location Intelligence.

  • You can now search CSV, Parquet, and Snowflake datasets.

  • You can now create point layers and spatialize the data from the Latitude and Longitude columns in CSV, Parquet, and Snowflake datasets.


    Location Intelligence only supports standard latitude and longitude (WGS84) coordinates.

Key Bug Fixes

  • Map tiles now load correctly for data sources containing PointZ (Elevation) geometries.

September 29, 2023

Key Bug Fixes

  • Inputs with projection OGC:CRS84 now load correctly in Location Intelligence.

  • Layers with null geometries now load correctly in Location Intelligence.

  • You can now run analyses in workspaces. You need to use the users' folder output home directory configured in your storage preferences.

September 4, 2023

What's New

  • You can now create regions around geometries. To do so, go to New Analysis and select Trade Area.

August 25, 2023

What's New

  • You can now create a proportional symbol map. To do so, style the size of a point layer's radius by a numeric column.

  • You can style by Radius and Color to create a multivariate map.

August 16, 2023

What's New

  • Support for Snowflake inputs with Geometry or Geography columns.

  • Ability to change the radius of point layers.

  • Add Data button has been renamed to Add Layers.

Key Bug Fixes

  • The default layer name is updated to reflect the column name for the source data.

  • Duplicate layer names will auto-increment on input. Auto-increment is no longer global.

  • You can now use run an analysis on an analysis layer.

  • Color ramps based on a selected attribute can be consistently applied to numeric fields. Field types are defined by the schema of the source data.

May 31, 2023

Known Issues

  • Adding large datasets may result in a timeout error while the app generates map tiles for the data.

  • When a dataset loads into Location Intelligence, the default map layer name will auto-increment (2), (3), (4).

  • The duplicative map layer names are based across all the projects the user has in Location Intelligence.

  • Using an analysis layer to run a second analysis returns an error.

  • Color ramps based on a selected attribute are not consistently applied to map layers.