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Use the Australia/New Zealand Geocoder tool to assign address data to a spatial object, pinpoint locations, display them on a map, and carry out geography-based analyses.

CASS Tool Icon

获取输入地址文件,并对照 USPS 编码精确性支持系统 (CASS) 进行检查。

Parse Address Tool Icon


Reverse Geocoder Tool Icon

通过使用 TomTom Reverse Geocoder API 查询和下载数据来协调纬度和经度。

Street Geocoder Tool Icon


US Geocoder Tool Icon

使用 CASS 工具、街道地理编码器工具或 US ZIP9 编码器工具对客户文件进行地理编码。

US ZIP9 Coder Tool Icon

将地理坐标与输入的 ZIP9 代码相关联,以执行基于地理的分析。


Use Brazil Geocoder to produce a record-for-record geocode result for Brazilian addresses, including formatted address fields from TomTom, the level of geography that determined the match, lat/long coordinates, and a spatial object.

Canada Geocoder tool icon

The Canada Geocoder tool uses the Geocoding suite of products in Designer, including the CASS tool and Street Geocoder tool, to geocode a customer file. This tool works only for Canadian addresses.


The European Geocoder tool produces a record-for-record geocode result for European addresses including formatted address fields from TomTom, the level of geography that determined the match, lat/long coordinates, and a spatial object.

The Mexico Geocoder tool produces a record-for-record geocode result for Mexican addresses including formatted address fields from TomTom, the level of geography that determined the match, lat/long coordinates, and a spatial object.

This macro uses TomTom’s Geocoder API to geocode a file composed of UK addresses.