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  • 连接不能转让。转让后需要更新连接和凭证。

  • 过去运行的作业不在转让中共享。

  • 工作程序分配会保留。

  • 版本历史会保留。


  • 计划只能转让给具有创建者或管理员角色的用户。

  • 新所有者必须有权访问计划,否则您就无法将该计划转让给新所有者。

  • 新所有者必须具有计划工作流的权限。


您可以通过 工作流 页面或 工作流详细信息 页面转让工作流。

  1. 要将工作流转让给新所有者,请转至 管理员 > 工作流

  2. 对于要更改其所有者的工作流,请选择 三点 菜单或打开工作流,然后选择页面右上角的 转让工作流

    • 选择工作流对应的 三点菜单 ,然后选择 转让所有者

    • 或者转至 计划详细信息 页面并选择该页面右上角的 转让所有者

  3. 将打开 转让工作流和计划 窗口。

  4. 新所有者 字段中,选择要向其转让工作流的用户。如果用户没有 所需的权限或角色 ,您将收到通知。

  5. Optionally, you can also transfer the workflow’s schedules to the new owner. The workflow can have multiple schedules with different owners. Select or clear the schedules you want to transfer together with the workflow.

  6. 工作流可以有多个计划。选择或清除要与工作流一起转让的计划。

  7. 选择 转让 。您选择的工作流和计划现在会转让给新所有者的工作室。


  1. 要转让多个工作流,请转至 管理员 > 工作流

  2. 要选择所有工作流,请选择 名称 复选框。清除要取消选择的工作流对应的复选框。所选项的数量显示在工作流表顶部。

  3. 选择工作流表右上角的 转让所有者 。将弹出 转让工作流和计划 窗口。

  4. 选择要将工作流转让给哪位用户。

  5. 选择要与选定工作流一起转让的计划。您可以从以下选项中进行选择: 仅转让工作流所有者的计划 转让工作流的所有计划

    • None: This option will not transfer any of the workflow’s schedules to the new workflow owner.

    • Transfer Only Workflow Owner’s Schedules: This option will transfer only the schedules that the workflow owner owns.

      For example, workflow owner A has created schedules for their workflow and shared that workflow in a collection. Users B and C are in that collection and also create schedules for the workflow. If you select this option when transferring the workflow from owner A to a new user, only user A’s schedules for the workflow will transfer to the new owner along with the workflow.

    • Transfer All Schedules for Workflows: This option transfers ALL the schedules for the workflow to the new owner.

      For example, workflow owner A has created schedules for their workflow and shared that workflow in a collection. Users B and C are in that collection and also create schedules for the workflow. If you select this option when transferring the workflow from owner A to a new user, ALL of the schedules from users A, B, and C for the workflow will transfer to the new owner along with the workflow.

  6. 选择 转让 。您选择的工作流和计划现在会转让给新所有者的工作室。

通过 Server API 转让工作流

如需详细了解如何通过 Server API V3 转让工作流,请访问 工作流端点 用户端点 工作流端点

How to Update Credentials After Workflow Transfer

When transferring workflows, connections are not transferred. Connections and credentials need to be updated after the transfer. Here are some tips on how to update credentials.

DCM Connections

You have to share the DCM connection with the new user, or the user will need to open the workflow in Designer and connect to a new DCM connection.

Server Data Connections

When you transfer a workflow that uses a Server Data Connection to a new owner, a Curator has to share the Server Data Connection with the new owner. Or, the new owner can open the workflow in Designer and connect to a new data connection.

Run As Credentials

If you transfer a workflow that was created to always run with specific workflow credentials, an admin can share those credentials with the new user via Server. Or the new user can open the workflow in Designer and change the run-as credential option when re-saving the workflow to Server. This creates a new version of the workflow in Server.


通知中提供了通知选项。这些选项自动开启。当您通过 Server UI 和 API 转让工作流时会发送通知。新旧所有者都会收到通知。如需了解详情,请转至 通知 帮助页面。